United Nations Special Envoy for Syria de Mistura nd  Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov attend a meeting in Moscow

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Russia and Syria have been close to each other for a very long time but recently Russia has been expanding its alliances in the Middle East to include Egypt. Egypt has had a problem with terrorism for many years now and in order to combat it, it has aligned itself with Russia. In a recent article by Reuters, “Russia’s Putin, Egypt’s Sisi Say Committed to Fight Terrorism,” written by Yara Bayoumy, she states that Egypt’s Sis sees Russia as a “strategic friend.” With this new alliance, Russia will assist Egypt in its operations to combat terrorism. This also includes combating terrorism throughout the Middle East especially when it comes to Syria and its internal war. Russia, along with Egypt, is expecting “a new round of talks” pertaining to the Syrian conflicts.

In another article on Al-Monitor, “UN, Russia Take Lead in Syria Diplomacy,” written by Week in Review, Russia is said to take the lead, along with the United Nations, on the Syrian peace talks. Russia did recently attempt to hold peace talks in Moscow and while many of the stakeholders attended, the most important group from Syria did not attend. The absence of this group put a major dent in the peace negotiations and Russia, the UN, and other countries, agreed that in order for peace negotiations to succeed and last, this group must be present at the negotiations. While the United States continues to stay out of these specific talks, Turkey has taken a new interest in them and they have pushed for a new law that would help ease the crisis in Syria.

Thes new alliances and roles show a change in the Syrian conflict. It shows that more and more countries are willing, and very much want to, discuss peace. Even countries such as Turkey, who tended to stay out of the conflict, are coming closer to the issue and many suggest that there are many countries that are vital when it comes to talking peace. The Syrian issue affects many around the world and peace talks need to involve all of the stakeholders in order for them to succeed.