Blog Post Four

Part 1: I cannot seem to find my notes on the seniors who came to present. Although it was interesting to see their progress. My favorite artist was the photographer who was able to photograph the firefighters as she got to see a more direct behind the scene type of perspective. It was not typical cookie cutter photos like in a brochure.

Part 2: Websites : I enjoy this website because it shows different ways to do DIY activates and I do consider myself a do it yourselfer. At any time there are 25 different do it yourself activities for different types of furniture. Off this website I’ve made two different types of shelves. : This blog that you posted to help us with a previous assignment is one I visit often now to keep up with artists, photographers, and sculptors. Its a good website because it doesn’t solely focus on one medium of art. : I enjoy looking and learning about classic cars. I visit this website in order to learn about new cars and see how much they are going for. I hope one day to have a small collection of classic cars. : My favorite website is obviously a sports one. I follow most women’s sports so I like ESPN W mainly. Since it covers college and professional sports It is the most helpful.



Published by

Carissa Diaz

I play basketball for St. Edwards University. I have a large family and they are very important to me. I'm from Houston, new to Austin this year just looking to be successful here.

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