Blog Post Five

  1. What is the strongest aspect of this work? The scale and size and are depicted well I think they are a good likeness to the actual objects.
  2. What is the weakest aspect? The shading in some of the bottles looks flat and lost the roundness.
  3. How can the composition or form be improved? The shading could make the bottles look rounder and more 3d. although for all intensive purposes the shading does depict bottles but it doesn’t look three dimensional.
  4. How can the project be strengthened conceptually? Depicting the bottles from a different angle.
  5. How can the project be strengthened technically? Mastering a certain level of shading in the bottles.lampbottles

Published by

Carissa Diaz

I play basketball for St. Edwards University. I have a large family and they are very important to me. I'm from Houston, new to Austin this year just looking to be successful here.

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