Blog Post Twelve

Tammie Rubin- Ceramic sculpture and 3D practice professor. She creates fantastical, sculptural works. Takes everyday objects and is a materials like plastic bowls, small easily moldable objects. She uses slips and Skins to connect large pieces. She creates small pieces that take up space and are easily displayable. The work she showed us on the cones that looked like they were used to communication.

Kim Garcia- Assistant Professors of Graphic Design She had a lot of different titles in a lot of different environments. She worked at a museum, design firms, real estate, higher education, digital studios. She created an app called Eventurist about traveling. My favorite piece of work, Incarnations. Till the Clouds Roll By: Original Music. Rosebuds was the new music by her husband and her part was Divas, a new video to match the new music. It is unfinished but very very interesting.

James Sherin- UT graduate school. Fight against Unconscious. He is a photographer. Likes fake landscapes, laziness, to photograph the unconscious. He follows a narrative and some pictures are more interesting. Does 4×5 instillations of his photos. Takes what people like on instagram and rephotograph them, based on popluar demand. He said the iphone is like a sketchbook of photos.

Blog Post Ten

artworkUnattainable 4×6 pencil and marker on paper

This is a portrait of my best friend  although some things were left to my own interpretation, it was a gift to her she asked to be a piece of art. armtatDiamonds sharpie on skin

A hobby of mine is to give my friends tattoos and let them see possible options and how it will actually look on them to get a tattoo. I enjoy thins because it is somewhat of a dream of mine to become a tattoo artist in my spare time.

Blog Post Nine

My favorite Artist now is Banksy, the anonymous graffiti artist. He was named Time Magazine 2010 Top 100 most influential people. That is when I first saw his art work and was interested in his graffiti. He is  a street artist whose identity remains unknown, is believed to have been born in Bristol, England, around 1974. He rose to prominence for his provocative stenciled pieces in the late 1990s. His art work is all about making a statement. Banksy has turned street vandalism into sought after high art pieces. The “Banksy effect” is the name of that movement. Banksys identity remains unknown despite speculation. Some photos have surfaced of an artist named Gunningham who is widely thought to be Banksy.

These are some of my favorite pieces.

Blog Post Eight

I attended Martin Lam Nguyen’s exhibition of art in the Fine Arts Building. His show Drawing/Painting TIME(using portraits) was very intriguing. Upon first entering I wouldn’t have thought of the message he was trying to perceive through the art he had created. Although it was very different, after pondering the display I realized the message he was trying to convey.

He explained that his large scale work of drawing and various painted media are “site specific installations” designed and strategically used to capture the viewers attention. The many portraits are designed to provide a contemplative space and medium for viewers to examine people’s life’s. To take a different point of view, to physically see their expressions and struggle in order to take a different perspective on life. He explained that the art was designed to help a viewer examine people and life events past that are still alive in ones memory.

Born in Japan Nguyen was heavily influenced by Japanese drawings and cartoons. Oftentimes his line drawings are similar to those seen in old time Japanese cartoons. While observing his art I did notice an Asian affluence in his line work and the characters themselves. His art was very eye catching. The design looked like just rows of faces, perfectly aligned vertically and horizontally. To make it easier to be seem and displayed.

Blog Post Seven

My favorite alumni presentation was by Lynne Bowman Cravens, she is a photographer. Her art that captured my attention the most were Self Portrait Origami Tessellation 2013 and Scrutinize 2015. Scrutinize particularly caught my attention, it was made this year and was a work on large fabric. its 8 ft tall and 6 ft wide. It is basically a giant wall of eyes. The best advice she gave was to do a lot of internships to learn what interests you most.

Blog Post Five

  1. What is the strongest aspect of this work? The scale and size and are depicted well I think they are a good likeness to the actual objects.
  2. What is the weakest aspect? The shading in some of the bottles looks flat and lost the roundness.
  3. How can the composition or form be improved? The shading could make the bottles look rounder and more 3d. although for all intensive purposes the shading does depict bottles but it doesn’t look three dimensional.
  4. How can the project be strengthened conceptually? Depicting the bottles from a different angle.
  5. How can the project be strengthened technically? Mastering a certain level of shading in the bottles.lampbottles

Blog Post Four

Part 1: I cannot seem to find my notes on the seniors who came to present. Although it was interesting to see their progress. My favorite artist was the photographer who was able to photograph the firefighters as she got to see a more direct behind the scene type of perspective. It was not typical cookie cutter photos like in a brochure.

Part 2: Websites : I enjoy this website because it shows different ways to do DIY activates and I do consider myself a do it yourselfer. At any time there are 25 different do it yourself activities for different types of furniture. Off this website I’ve made two different types of shelves. : This blog that you posted to help us with a previous assignment is one I visit often now to keep up with artists, photographers, and sculptors. Its a good website because it doesn’t solely focus on one medium of art. : I enjoy looking and learning about classic cars. I visit this website in order to learn about new cars and see how much they are going for. I hope one day to have a small collection of classic cars. : My favorite website is obviously a sports one. I follow most women’s sports so I like ESPN W mainly. Since it covers college and professional sports It is the most helpful.



Blog Post Three

frame1frame2  frame-3Darryl Cox JR

Darryl Cox created a sort of fusion art that I find very intriguing because it is more than pen and paper. It is a hands on physical process that involves more manual labor and creativity. “I enjoy creating art that unites humble, as well as involved, objects, into a kind of their own — creating art that is distinctive and intricate, yet in its truest sense, uncomplicated.”

Darryls art features a picture frame fused with a tree branch creating a unique contemporary piece of art work. The idea is very simple, but the final product looks completely abstract. Each project involves woodworking, painting, and a bit of sculpting. Dedicating the hours of time fashioning a frame that merges a man-made as well as natural element into a single piece of art that captures so much imagination, is rewarding for Darryl.

Blog Post Two

My time tracker for the week only indicated to me that I spend a lot of time doing basketball related activities. Everyday besides Sunday I spend a few hours in the morning working out. In the morning beginning at either 5:30 or 6:30 until 8:30 or 9 we work out. Through out the day I have classes, study hall and rehabilitation that is required for me to do well in the workouts. Throughout the day I feel overwhelmed and just stop and take a nap which sets my day back even more. My day usually doesn’t finish until around 11 or 12. I also found that I do struggle to eat. breakfast cannot happen Monday, Wednesday or Friday as I cant eat before a workout and I go straight into classes until 1 most days. Often times I eat a late lunch and a late dinner.

Part 2: “Casting Hands” chalk on black paper. 8×8 2013

Blog Post One

The main idea of ‘What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Artists” is that entrepreneurs are mainly focused on business and the structure of it. While artist are mainly entrepreneurs they use their creativity in order to excel in the business aspect of things. The “art” of business has become more relevant than ever. The main idea of ‘Are Artists Entrepreneurs’ is while entrepreneurs are focused on team oriented systems. organization, and building through a basic program. Artists are more focused on achieving individual creativity and innovations. Artists and entrepreneurs must learn to deal with the realities of life, business and their own limitations. Through entrepreneurs, artist can learn how to stay a course and follow a plan of action in order to achieve a goal. Artists are definitely entrepreneurs, in a sense that they have to create their own business.

I have a lot of grit. I do not give up and it is hard to process anything as a failure. Someone’s “grittiness” is going to really determine their success, how much work and effort they put into being successful. I could work on my grittiness in the classroom definitely, as I tend to put things off for as long as possible.