B. Hooved

By Kali Carpenter


What does B. Hooved do?

Editorial staff hosts fundraiser for B. Hooved at the Lucky Robot Japanese Kitchen

B. Hooved publishes humor articles by students for students. The entire process, from subject selection to publication, is performed by students without interference from staff or faculty, so you are responsible for all of your material. The editorial staff is always on the lookout for new material and tries to publish one article a week on their website. Want to put your stuff in the world? You can always submit a piece on the website, and a member of the staff will read and respond as soon as possible. Worried that your article may not be what B. Hooved is looking for, and no one will think you’re funny? The editorial staff is always willing to help work with you to make your piece perfect, and if you don’t have enough time they will work the piece for you and send it back for approval. It’s that simple! Every spring, the group releases a print edition of the best of the year and throws a launch party to celebrate.

For those that have the grammar bug, B. Hooved is always looking for copywriters to fill out the editorial staff. Attend bi-weekly meetings with other students who share your passions to discuss what articles need to be addressed, and work at your own pace to create professional articles that the entire campus can enjoy.

At the time of this article, many staff members will be graduating soon, and are excited to find new students to fill their spaces in leadership roles.


What do you get out of participating in B. Hooved?

B. Hooved staff and supervisor dress as clowns to recruit contributors

Got something you want to address on campus, but worried your voice won’t be heard? The best reason to join B. Hooved is to get PUBLISHED! You can use the B. Hooved website on your professional portfolio, and if your work is selected for the print edition, you may receive a copy of the print version to show to friends, family, and potential employers. Get your thoughts out to the campus and begin a dialogue about issues that matter to you. B. Hooved is a great organization to publish your article so you can get your work out in the world. Since content is always desired, you’re sure to have your work represented in all its glory.

Joining the editorial staff will teach you the process of copy editing, hands-on experience learning the ins and outs of online and print publication world, interaction with members of the campus community, help fellow students get their voices heard, and make relationships that will last a lifetime.


How does B. Hooved contribute to the St. Edward’s community?

One of B. Hooved’s previous logo designs

Humor breaks down barriers and open minds. The ability to laugh is a common ground that everyone shares and that commonality helps open lines of communication. As one of the current contributing editors Katie King says, “Humor has a way of smuggling new ideas into people’s minds. Even people who come from contenting narratives, as sworn adversaries, comedy creates a non-threatening space where debate can be enjoyable.” B. Hooved strives to start dialogues about issues that students on campus struggle with through laughter. Unlike other publications on campus like Sorin Oak Review, Hilltop Views, and Arete, which steer towards serious narratives and scholarly work, B. Hooved lets students explore their creativity through laughter. From articles discussing the bra-free movement in 90s television to satires condemning the profiteering of religious organizations, you’re sure to find something that will make you laugh, think, and maybe learn something you didn’t know before.


How can students get involved?

Do you think laughter is the best medicine? Are you considered the class clown? Are you interested in getting your writing published? Then why not join the B. Hooved Humor Magazine staff!

Contact B. Hooved supervisor Beth Eakman at beths@stedwards.edu to learn how you can get involved. To get published, email your hilarious article, listicle, meme, video, or other to bhoovededitor@gmail.com (may we suggest reading a little of the Onion or McSweeney’s Internet Tendency for some inspiration).

Check out B. Hooved’s social media sites to see what the group is up to:

                      Facebook         Twitter          Instagram

Click here to visit the website and read something funny.


PDF Profile for B. Hooved

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