Conference Booklet

This was a program booklet created for Fulbright. For this program we were to create our own theme and create spreads in which reflected what Fulbright was about. This was the first time I had ever created a program customizing the schedules in a way that made sense and could easily be read. And all while competing against all my other classmates to see who would be the chosen one, I was not but was challenged throughout the entire process of this project. It was my first time creating a publication that consisted of so much information and images. After creating paragraph styles and body styles and re-creating the maps all while re-organizing and keeping up with so much text I was able to complete a program that I was satisfied with. Throughout this project I was pushed to the limits learning how to manage my time while still meeting the deadlines for each part and completing each necessary step. Overall, I think my biggest challenge besides time with this project was creating a layout for the spreads in which could be easily changed if anything needed to be added or deleted once Fulbright selected their preferred style for it’s program.


Cover Schedule Poster Room T.O.C Back Cover

Weather Forecast

This project was assigned to get us thinking more as a designer involving more creative thinking and solving to move multiple elements. The purpose of this project was to explore the many ways of type in motion. Using three of the L.A.T.C.H(location, alphabet,time, category, and hierarchy) I chose to  use location, category, and hierarchy. The challenge with this project was working with many layers and elements in one composition. Before I created this video I had several drafts and while I was working even tended to create many versions of the same concept with just different introductions to the L.A.T.C.H. Experimenting with color, lines, motion, and time I was able to create a balanced composition to create a thirsty second weather forecast for four locations in the United States. Importing files from Illustrator to AfterEffects was something I learned how to do along with changing one thing in Illustrator and getting that one item to change in AfterEffects as well came in handy quite often for me. As I experimented with position, scale, opacity, and rotation I was able to create a video with meaningful motion. However, there are still a few parts in my video that need some touching up as I face the challenge of not being able to move on object without moving the position of another object.

Weather Forecast

Mapping Project: Cognitive Map

The purpose of this project was to create a rational-decision making chart that had structured outcomes. Choosing between alternatives and options for one decision and having a specific outcome I created a decision making chart based on helping someone decide how to get rid of clothes. To eliminate cluster and create space in one’s closet was my main purpose for this cognitive map. After several sketches and going with the theme of cleaning and creating space I decided that minimal and clean designs were better than a design that was clustered with a bunch of questions. I also got to put the use of creating symbols learned from the symbol methodology project into this assignment which made the final product come out clean and more appealing.



Mapping Project: Information Map

The purpose of this project was to create a graphic visual representation of some sort of information that I could use data with to present information utilizing graphics revealing a trend/pattern. The process of creating this made called for me to collect data over a weeks time period and turning that numerical data into a visual aid using a bar graph, line graph, and pie chart. After reviewing some boards on Pinterest and googling infographics I settled on creating a visual aid on the perspective on time. I took a step closer into revealing the time it takes to do something versus the time it takes waiting on things. I think my concept could of been pushed further and better. I had an idea of what I wanted for this project, but it was not executed well. I couldn’t find a third graph to represent my data correctly, which is why there is only two graphs represented on my page. There intended to be a line graph, but had trouble trying to fit my collected data into the line graph because I wasn’t sure what to base my variable after along with time in minutes versus what. However, overall I think my concept was good but just struggled with finding a proper way to represent it is where I lost control of my project.


Mapping Project: Artifact Map

The purpose of this project was to create a map in which revealed the route we took walking from work to school, home to school, or home to work.  I chose to do from home to school, which seemed to offer the most richness for an artifact map. At the time I was living on campus and therefore created this map to reveal the crowded areas on campus at specific locations on my way to Trustee Hall from the student apartments. I created this map several times because I kept color coding things just to color code them and realized that not everything needed a color. I then used color to emphasize areas as to how packed they were. Red represented a large amount of traffic and yellow meant easy going, yet a little traffic. Choosing which location to incorporate also played a big part in my decision making. However, after several steps taken editing this map I came to the conclusion less is more and when color is used correctly in a design you get a better outcome like so.


Symbol Methodology

This project was to experiment with how reductive an image could be in order to make a successful symbol. Working with the project I was motivated to create a symbol in which expressed a milestone in my life. Thus, my big idea was college. The purpose of this project was to see how and where symbols operate in our society.After browsing around on Pinterest I created a board that consisted of symbols that existed today. Following that I then chose nine words that associated with my topic of college. Using skills from previous graphic design classes I was able to create several variations of symbols reflecting my experience in college using the nine words. Still using skills learned from previous graphic design classes I was able to create over twenty different iterations of possible symbols. As my drafting process of sketching out ideas continued with the chosen nine words my process went from tracing an image to stylizing it then later to creating abstract representations of specific words. The abstract words I chose to experiment with was focus, energy, and secrets. After several drafts had been made I chose three words to create nine more different symbols, which later led to the final three symbols to be associated with my big idea. A decision I faced continuously while working with this assignment was the idea of stripping away the details. I didn’t want too much detail, but I didn’t want too little detail either. I went for a simplistic abstract symbol reflecting the words  energy, change, and journey. In creating these symbols I also had to make sure that they were created in a way in which could be properly cut and made for the vinyl cutter. So ensuring that I used the pathfinder tool in illustrator to properly join two paths or objects was a skill I got from working with this project. The design of my symbol embodies the ideas as you can see why I chose the shapes I did. For example, the triangle shape was used to emphasize the idea of journey as the circle was used to represent energy. Overall, I feel my design enhances the content as my symbols could be used for a college experience theme representing the different experiences one goes through while in college. The change within one becoming an independent person, to the journey of moving away from your parents, and seeing how much energy is required for the classes you take while balancing a job or outside projects.
