Rules :Pins

The assignment was to choose two places in Austin and create a set of rules to follow that also incorporated one of the six sensations given and create a set of buttons or patch for each place. The set of rules were to be followed and the creation of the pins were a visual aid and reflection to your experience at that given place. I chose The Juice Bar and Auditorium Shores. The sensations I used were surprise and delight. After I drafted a set of instructions for each place I then started sketching out possible ideas for my pins. During this project I was able to use previous graphic design I symbol making skills during the creation of my pins. Choosing a color palette was an easy process. Using a rainbow blended trim I got the idea from the view of the sunset seen at Auditorium Shores, and for the Juice Bar I used colors that were inside the store. Oddly, I don’t think I was successful in expressing the experience well for the Juice Bar. I made several iterations and yet couldn’t find a better to find the right setting for the place. However, overall I feel my icons are clean and have just the right amount of detail. This project was fun especially when I got to actually make the pins themselves.


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