Mapping Project: Information Map

The purpose of this project was to create a graphic visual representation of some sort of information that I could use data with to present information utilizing graphics revealing a trend/pattern. The process of creating this made called for me to collect data over a weeks time period and turning that numerical data into a visual aid using a bar graph, line graph, and pie chart. After reviewing some boards on Pinterest and googling infographics I settled on creating a visual aid on the perspective on time. I took a step closer into revealing the time it takes to do something versus the time it takes waiting on things. I think my concept could of been pushed further and better. I had an idea of what I wanted for this project, but it was not executed well. I couldn’t find a third graph to represent my data correctly, which is why there is only two graphs represented on my page. There intended to be a line graph, but had trouble trying to fit my collected data into the line graph because I wasn’t sure what to base my variable after along with time in minutes versus what. However, overall I think my concept was good but just struggled with finding a proper way to represent it is where I lost control of my project.


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