Locating Place: Animated GIFS

This assignment was to create five gifs that represented or revealed some aspect of East Cesar Chavez. We were to go out and take as many photos of a given area or street and with all the photos you were to create gifs that reflected the dynamics of East Austin. This area in Austin is one of the areas that has changed rapidly causing a new wave of people to reside in this area and in which in some cases caused others to flee due to things such as costs driving a lot of people who grew in this area out. 17




This gif was made based on the influence of the culture on E. Cesar Chavez. There was a mural that had the Mexican bingo game, Loteria, painted on the wall and to express the idea of gentrification and the view of the dynamics changing around that area the vines represent this idea of East Austin growing out of what it once use to be. And the use of the eye in the middle of the hand is to emphasis the idea of the view changing overtime.


This gif is also based on the idea of gentrification. Driving around East Cesar Chavez you can tell which houses have been there for awhile and which ones have been altered or remolded with the new wave of people coming into this area. So to emphasis that I used a change in the color of the house to convey the change of the style of houses.


As you wonder around East Cesar Chavez you can see how artistic this area is. Just about every other corner has some kind of art piece on the wall. And in some cases the newer businesses coming into this area have used art to lure customers. And to show the artistic side of East Cesar Chavez I re-created a still poster to have motion.


This gif was created in terms of revealing the use of color and how one subtle change in this area can change the feeling and setting of East Cesar Chavez. The recent and newer businesses have chose to use a pop of color and different artistic tactics such as murals to attract customers. And this specific tactic helps differentiate which business have been there longer. A lot of the older businesses tended to be gated off and ran through houses instead of an actual building.


This gif was created to place a greater emphasis on the idea of gentrification occurring in East Austin. The pictures revealed are of houses being rebuilt or in the process of being remolded. The variation of house colors and styles are rapidly changing in this area and I wanted to convey that through this way of revealing what’s underneath East Cesar Chavez.

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