Weather Forecast

This project was assigned to get us thinking more as a designer involving more creative thinking and solving to move multiple elements. The purpose of this project was to explore the many ways of type in motion. Using three of the L.A.T.C.H(location, alphabet,time, category, and hierarchy) I chose to  use location, category, and hierarchy. The challenge with this project was working with many layers and elements in one composition. Before I created this video I had several drafts and while I was working even tended to create many versions of the same concept with just different introductions to the L.A.T.C.H. Experimenting with color, lines, motion, and time I was able to create a balanced composition to create a thirsty second weather forecast for four locations in the United States. Importing files from Illustrator to AfterEffects was something I learned how to do along with changing one thing in Illustrator and getting that one item to change in AfterEffects as well came in handy quite often for me. As I experimented with position, scale, opacity, and rotation I was able to create a video with meaningful motion. However, there are still a few parts in my video that need some touching up as I face the challenge of not being able to move on object without moving the position of another object.

Weather Forecast

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