
This was the second module called desire. The first part to this project was to pick a set of rules for a place that another student wrote. After visiting the place we were to then chose a headline that revealed some kind of aspect about this place through the experience and that should be shown in the headline. So after creating a travel poster for this given location the next part to this assignment was to make a video of the place in motion.  We were to go out and explore an area in which we could reveal different aspects of the landscape using different angles and viewpoints. We were to a go out and shot as much as we could. The composition of our shots and how we portrayed what the area was the main goal of this project. We were to find a balance between the angles and composition to create an understanding for ourselves with the concepts of depth of field, aperture and shutter speed, and viewpoints while shooting at the area of our choice. I chose graffiti park because the artwork there is forever changing. It never stays the same for too long, and that kind of represents who I am as a person. I like change and seem to alway look for different ways to express myself whether it be a different hairstyle or color. Thus, color being a big part of what interests me is what helped me chose the location of the Hope Outdoor Gallery known as Castle Hill or Graffiti park.




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