Mapping Project: Artifact Map

The purpose of this project was to create a map in which revealed the route we took walking from work to school, home to school, or home to work.  I chose to do from home to school, which seemed to offer the most richness for an artifact map. At the time I was living on campus and therefore created this map to reveal the crowded areas on campus at specific locations on my way to Trustee Hall from the student apartments. I created this map several times because I kept color coding things just to color code them and realized that not everything needed a color. I then used color to emphasize areas as to how packed they were. Red represented a large amount of traffic and yellow meant easy going, yet a little traffic. Choosing which location to incorporate also played a big part in my decision making. However, after several steps taken editing this map I came to the conclusion less is more and when color is used correctly in a design you get a better outcome like so.


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