Ocean Pollution has always been a huge problem in our society. It destroys marine wildlife and contaminates our beaches and oceans. A new study has come out also depicting how ocean pollution is not only causing destruction to our seas, but also to our economy. The new study on ocean pollution relief has come to say that ocean pollution causes 2.5 billion dollars in damage annually. This is a ridiculous amount of money and destruction that needs to cease immediately. The research group that conducted this study are based in the UK and pointed out that upwards of 10 million metric tons of plastic alone was dumped into our oceans in just the year 2010. The plastics often breakdown in the ocean into smaller palstic fragments which will never fully degrade. This plastic pollution contaminates an extraordinary amount of seafood that causes recalls. 20% of researchers say food contamination comes from ocean pollution itself. These devastating statistics show that ocean pollution not only causes harm to our seas, but absolutely crushes our economy. In order to put a stop to this we have to join commuities together and voice our concern with how badly we want to fix ocean pollution. There are many small steps we can take to slow down ocean pollution such as: recycling properly, supporting bans, and consistently participating in beach cleanups. Spread the word as much as you can on how catostrophic ocean pollution is because if we don’t it’ll only get worse.
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How Nonpoint Source Pollution is the Main Cause of Ocean Pollution
As most of us ponder about ocean pollution, as we do, we tend to entertain the idea that most of the pollution our ocean endures comes from plastic. This is what most ocean pollution activists preach when demanding help for our beautiful oceans. Yet, there is something even greater than just plastic contaminating our waters. Nonpoint source pollution is killing our oceans and here’s how. Nonpoint source pollution or NSP includes many small sources that can affect our oceans. Septic tanks, cars, boats, trucks, and various larger sources drop small amounts of oil onto roads and parking lots. Some of this oil makes its way to our oceans. This oil is unsafe for our marine wildlife and oftens harms or even kills our marine animals. This oil pollution makes up for a good part of the contamination our oceans receive. Now, what can we do to help curb this awful pollution. Correcting NSP is not an easy task since there are so many vehicles on the road and in our waters. What we have done so far is blocking off certain gateways to our waters to stop the oil contamination. This is effective, but remains extremely costly. So, our best bet is to begin at the main source. Many companies are promoting hybrid vehicles along with electric only cars. These vehicles can be extremely helpful to our environment by saving our ozone layer, but it can also be extremely beneficial by removing oil from our roads. So, by considering owning a hybrid car or electric, it’ll benefit our environment tremendously through the air and our oceans.
Have You Volunteered Lately?
Adopt A Beach will be having a spring cleanup on April 13th 2019. This will be held in Corpus Christi, Texas. Registration sign up will be available on their website within the coming weeks. Continue reading
Are You Helping Your Environment Enough?
Blue Velvet here. If you don’t know already, our organization is all about helping the environment one step at a time. We started this organization as a team because we desire to create a healthier environment for our planet. Continue reading