Most of us agree that taking care of the Earth is important. We get all riled up when oil companies pollute the ocean and get inspired when polar bears lose their homes due to climate change. Before we know it, we’re listening to activists and whooping and hollering with our fists in the air, our voices joining a chorus of vigorous, “yeahs!” Yet, why is it that we never seem to follow through on our commitments to help the environment? We get our heart strings pulled in every which way just to think, “eh, someone else can save the planet.” Here’s the truth: no one else will. That’s the mindset that you as an agent of change have to acquire, and that’s the mentality Blue Velvet was founded on.
Who Are We?
Blue Velvet is an organization created by a group of St. Edward’s students passionate about addressing and reducing the amount of trash and pollution that accumulate in major U.S. rivers and oceans. We feel it’s important to start locally with our rivers, because according to, 80% of all ocean pollution stems from land-based sources, such as littering, sewage, and agricultural runoff. In other words, it’s our lack of awareness and effective recycling habits that affect our rivers, which in turn affect our oceans, leading to many more wide scale problems.
Why Ocean Pollution?
Reducing the amount of water pollution in our rivers is a great place to start helping our planet because it is a smaller, tangible goal that has innumerable positive effects on agriculture, air pollution, and climate change. Because of this, we can take actionable steps that will make a greater impact on the quality of our water systems. Some of these steps include weekly blog posts informing you on the risks of ocean and river pollution, tips on how you can reduce the amount of waste dumped in your local rivers and oceans, and other ways you can get involved with our team and help move humanity toward a cleaner, safer world.
Join Us Today!
Just like we analyze the health of our planet on a smaller playing field, we also look for potential team members and communicate to them on an individual level. By reaching you and gaining your support, we have another authentic and passionate worker on our squad who can reach out and add another member, and another, and create a ripple effect of positive change. Without the world, we have nothing, and preserving the planet is part of your mission as a representative of your generation and a guardian to future ones. The Earth may need us, but we need the Earth more.
We encourage you to take our official pledge that gives you the power and responsibility to clean up our rivers and oceans and join the Blue Velvet team today, because you matter. Tell a friend or two, too. Be sure to keep up with our weekly content and share our posts so that we can expand the Blue Velvet team!