Foods for Brain Health

By; Lauren Owen; Edited by: Leslie Lehman

As college students, our brains are vital to our day-to-day life activities. It is imperative to ensure that we are taking care of our brains, especially with everything going on in our life. Between classes, internships, jobs, clubs, and our social life, it can be hard to juggle everything at times. While doing all of this simultaneously, it can be hard to prioritize our mental health. Some options to cope with this stressful workload include talking to counselors and taking the time to exercise. However, time management can also be a difficult hurdle to overcome in order to combat your many responsibilities. Understanding this firsthand, I’ve compiled a list of important healthy eating tips. Certain food has healthy foods that are enriched with antioxidants, which can improve memory and overall brain health.

There are many methods and studies about brain foods and how to achieve good brain health through what you take in. One study released by the Mayo Clinic suggests you should craft your diet around the best ingredients for your brain. In a diet they call the “MIND diet”, they stress the importance of foods high in Omega-3 (berries, nuts, and leafy greens). This diet has research that backs up the fact that maintaining this diet can assist in a cognitive decline that usually leads to dementia. It is also shown to benefit general health and brain health if one struggles with weight. 


Following this initial study, the Mayo Clinic Health System also answered the big question regarding food and memory: “What is the best recipe for maximizing memory? Research suggests following an eating plan that provides a healthier selection of dietary fats and an array of plant foods rich in phytonutrients. There still is a lot to learn about what makes a brain-healthy diet. However, for now, the best bet for rich memories is forgoing unhealthy fat and remembering to diversify your plant portfolio.” This leads me to my next point: What are phytonutrients, and what are some examples of these healthy foods? 


Phytonutrients are nutrients found in plants that are good for the health of the human body. They are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. They assist with many things outside brain health, such as enhancing immunity, intercellular communication, and detoxifying carcinogens. 


The healthy foods that hold these phytonutrients can include anything from fish to berries. Berries are filled with antioxidants that protect the brain from early aging and dementia. Watermelon, for example, is so rich in water and antioxidants. Hydration is another important factor that is often overlooked. It’s completely necessary for brain health. The more hydration you implement in your diet, the smaller chance you will experience dementia as time progresses.


Lastly, the Mayo Clinic health system also talks about the health of fatty fish: “Fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards and kippers, are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These have been shown to improve memory when eaten one to two times per week. It’s best to eat these in moderation, as fish consumption can increase cholesterol.” These are just some of the many foods that are great for your brain. 


You really are what you eat. So be cautious, and take the Mayo Clinic’s advice. As we get older and tests roll through, it’s crucial to keep in mind food that benefits your brain. Effectively ensuring you are consuming antioxidants, foods with low sugar, and other key elements. It will not only help potential future outcomes but also your overall well-being in a stressful dynamic environment.


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