Pecan Tree

The Pecan tree, or Carya illinoinensis, is a large deciduous tree related to hickory tree species, and it is native to Mexico and the southeastern and southcentral regions of the U.S. Its fruit, the pecan, is also an important food source for many animals. As the tree is particularly native to Texas, Pecan also happens to be the official State Tree of Texas. More on the Pecan tree can be found here.

Being someone that holds both native flora and Texas near and dear to their heart, I was happy to spot this familiar friend behind my apartment building in the Hyde Park neighborhood. It always catches my eye with its long and dark green leaves, and its green to brown fruit. I usually keep an eye out for brown pecans on the ground because depending on how ripe the fruit is, that could be a snack.

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My iNaturalist observation can be found here.

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