Blog Post #8

This week’s presentations were fun. I did not get much out of the academic presentation, but that is because I’m an upper classes who has signed up for classes multiple times. I liked the study abroad presentation. I am planning on going abroad in the summer, and any information I can get on scholarships and what to expect is helpful. I’ve been having trouble navigating the scholarship stuff online, so her comments really helped. Ysenia’s presentation for Cabra was good. I did not know they had a website. I just knew they were relatively popular on Instagram. Learning about how they go about electing officer positions in their organization was helpful, because I am trying to figure out how other organizations go about that process. The Command G presentation was good. I’ve been meaning to go to some of their workshops but haven’t had the chance to yet. I have always had scheduling conflicts. The best presentation may have been mine (I’m lying. I only had one slide and basic information). Since I did not have as many cool images, stories, or a website to share, I tried to give some basic information on why it’s important to get involved. I have no idea if anything I said came across – I think one person may have been sleeping – but I hope everyone learned something from it.

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