Blog Post #7

I really enjoyed the presentations despite our technical issues. I loved Camille’s presentation, because I was able to see her senior show. The Graphic show from last year was the only show I could bring my parents too, and her piece was one of the ones that made them impressed by our visual program. I thought she gave some great advice, particularly about campus opportunities and working at student life. A lot of it couldn’t exactly be applied to me just due to the fact that most opportunities are for graphic student only and that I have found art internships hard to find/receive. Other than that, I liked hearing about the process to how she got her current job and found that helpful. I could relate to her more, I think, because she has a strong traditional art background as a designer. Something she didn’t say but alluded to was the benefits of networking and collaborating with other people in the department. It seemed like that was a huge help in her successes.

When it comes to Abbas, I like the presentation that could have been. I did get some things out of his presentation, particularly about the process to getting where he is today and the kind of work he does not. There are some gaps in the story, but nothing too significant. I can’t relate to his experiences as much as past presenters. He knew what he wanted to do from his start at St. Eds and was able to benefit from that certainty. I did not join visual studies until my sophomore year, so hearing from people who benefited from always having it together tends to freak me out.

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