Here’s a worst case scenario for you: you’re a child who has been taken away from your family for some reason, whether that be abuse, financial disabilities, or parental health. You become another number in an underfunded system that has countless other children who need and deserve attention. For some, this is a terrible way of spending a childhood. Perhaps for most it might feel this way, but for these families it was really the only option. But the only option does not mean the best option.

Being a child in the foster care system is the worst case scenario for any child. It could mean brutal action took place in their previous home, and for the safety of the child there had to be separation. It could mean the mother had no other choice but to give the child a better life than she could afford, which is more than likely in a state that banned abortions after 6 weeks and has a $7.25 minimum wage in the year 2022.

There are countless possibilities as to the purpose of entering the foster care system. Regardless of the reason prior to entry, the presence is unfortunate and more often than not the last decent option. But it does not necessarily have to be so devastating.

It is a very isolating feeling knowing you are one of many. Sounds a little ironic, but think about it for a second. When you are surrounded by somewhat similar individuals, too many to count on both hands and feet, all fighting for a spot in someone’s home, getting denied over and over again it becomes mentally, emotionally, and spiritually draining. It is a lonely feeling thinking that there is not a family out there that wants you.

As caring individuals, it is our responsibility to make sure that they feel wanted and loved. As people who also want to be cared for, we should advocate to provide that luxury for these lovely children. Many of us do not have the means to be a foster parent, nevermind adopt a child. But that is not the only way to show these angels that we’re there for them.

There are a few ways to get this point across to them:

#1 Donate

This can be a little tricky depending on your financial situation, but know that donating just a couple dollars can make all the difference. Every organization, especially the nonprofit organizations, need a few extra dollars to buy a new bed, meal, or article of clothing. Anything will benefit these organizations, and the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping make their difficult life a little easier is an incredibly rewarding feeling.

#2 Volunteer

There are nine different foster care organizations just in the city of Austin. They all are in need of volunteers. If you look at any of these organizations’ online sites, you can see that there are options for volunteering. Some of those might look like helping with a toy drive, making a meal for a foster family, or even playing with the kids. Whatever the opportunity might be, it will not take up too much time, and it will make any of the children feel better than they did prior to your visit.

#3 Spreading awareness

There are very drastic pros and cons to living in the digital age. On one hand, it is absolutely terrifying that anybody can know your every move at all times. But on the flip side, there is so much good that can come from the media, especially the new media sources we have. Utilizing stories, and reposting on sites like Twitter and Instagram can be a total game changer for any organization. If you volunteer at a food drive, take a picture, and post it, those kids have a chance to see it. I already know how loved they will feel seeing that there is someone who cares enough about them to spend free time assisting an organization for their benefit.

Opportunities to help out are not as few and far between as one might think. There are many ways that you can use your abilities for the greater good, and what greater good than the future of a child in an unfortunate circumstance?