Third Post

One of my favorite artists is Invader, a French urban artist who creates art based on the pixel art present in many video games. Others than the topic he dedicates his art to, one of my favorite things about the artist is the mysterious nature of their creations. Although Invader’s work is relatively high profile, they work anonymously, and mostly keep their identity to themselves. I consider this mysterious air, as well as the unique aesthetic the art leaves behind makes for a very interesting artist. Invader has a website that displays some of the works they have previously worked on, as well as the plans they have for future projects that can be found here.

6th wave of Invasion in New York City © Invader 2016

Summer in Paris © Invader 2016

Wipe Out © Invader 2016

Blog Post Two

Part 1

Here’s what I recorded on my schedule.


© Andrew Thomas 2016

Part 2

Here is an art piece I made in high school for an art club. The piece was pretty much done as a combination of several different art forms. So I combined drawing, music, and video games by illustrating several different concepts related to those arts. The overall image was made to resemble the Borderlands bandit splash screen, and I illustrated sound waves and a person wearing headphones to represent music.


© Andrew Thomas 2016

First Post!

  •   Additional thoughts.
    1. These articles presented a comparison I honestly never thought about! I suppose in a way, artists do have a lot in common with entrepreneurs.
  •   Which of the 12 characteristics of artists do you agree with?
    1. Artists are neophiles, Artists are humanists, Artists are like children, Artists rely on their intuition, Artists are interdisciplinary thinkers, Artists are conduits and not “masters of the universe”, Artists are passionate about their work, Artists are contrarians.
  •   What can artists learn from their “entrepreneurial cousins”?
    1.  A couple of things that could be picked up from entrepreneurs include prioritizing what the next step in self improvement is, and how to network with other artists in order to learn lessons and help each other evolve.
  • What are the main points of each article?
    1.  The first article seems to be focused on how artists, by nature possess several attributes which may be important for the heads of a company. These attributes include: A love for novelty/creativity, an understanding of the human condition, their craftiness, their childlike outlook on life, instinct based, an affinity for ambiguity,  their passion, humility, and their eccentric world views.
    2. The second article focuses on The similarities between the requirements for a successful entrepreneur and the requirements for a successful artist. Both are driven by passion, knowing what the next step is, and both require teamwork to an extent.
  •   Do you agree that artists are entrepreneurs? why?
    1. I’d agree that artists are could technically be considered entrepreneurs. If art itself could be considered a business, one of an artists purpose could be to have their art, (or business) thrive in the community (market).
  •   What others would you add to the list?
    1. Social awkwardness?
  • GRIT
    1.  My grit score is: 2.88
    2. I could most likely improve it by focusing more on one thing and maybe taking on some more challenges of my own.