About Sam Petty

I am an art major at St. Edward's University in Austin. I enjoy painting, illustrating, lovin' on my kitty, riding my bike, and all things creative. If you are interested in commissioning my work, or would like to inquire about painted shoes, please contact me via e-mail.

What does it mean to be a sucessful artist?

I think this question has no true answer because everyone has a different idea of success. For me, there are definitely different levels of success that probably make sense at different times in my life. Success for me now involves excelling in my studio classes, learning and practicing creativity, and developing a strong concept and body of work for next semester’s show. I’m thinking short-term.

 In a few years from now, success for me would probably be something along the lines of having traveled some, saved money and paid off my student loan, been accepted into an MFA program with maybe some more museum experience under my belt and a whole lot of awesome new work.

My dream is to teach art university-level and be able to show it here and there….but I guess what it all boils down to is:

Success for me is financial independence and simultaneous happiness. Success in an art career is having your work impact people. And happiness for me will always need to involve some sort of art and creation.