on talent

The word talent encompasses a variety of meaning; however, the world alone cannot be defined without its counterparts. Commitment, practice, time, patience, and passion are a few of an endless list of words that, when combined, provide a meaning for talent. Without these attributes, one’s talent is incomplete; it is merely a delusion of grandeur.

I believe that being an artist requires a certain je ne se quiox–kind of like baking the perfect cake without referring to your great granny’s recipe. A cup of determination, a ladle of creativity, a dash of flexibility and a large dose of confidence. If there is anything I’ve learned throughout my academic career as an aspiring artist, it is that art requires a deeply committed soul; one that eats, sleeps, lives, and breathes art, to really earn that title and to really feel like an artist. I’ve also learned that talent alone is not enough.

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