When to Hire a Life Coach

Life coaching isn’t a trend of the rich and famous. It’s a legitimate way to find a supportive partner who can help you work through tough times and make the best of good times. Many people find themselves turning to a life coach when they feel frustrated in their careers, overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life or simply unfulfilled. 

However, there are also times when a life coach won’t be the best choice for you. Sometimes you need help from a professional with a more specialized background or education. In this article, we’ll help you determine if it’s the right time to hire a coach or if you might need someone else.

When Not to Hire a Life Coach

Let’s start with a few situations when hiring a life coach isn’t the right choice. 

1. You Want Someone to “Fix” Everything

If it feels like the world is falling down around you and you just want someone to come in and make everything alright again, then a life coach isn’t the person for you. Life coaching isn’t about someone else solving your problems, it’s about empowering you to find peace and joy. Oftentimes, when people are in a state of distress, they don’t have the necessary frame of mind to make the positive changes a life coach would encourage.

2. You Need Help with Psychological Issues or Traumas

Some people would rather turn to a life coach than a professional to deal with significant mental issues, especially those who prefer natural health options. It might feel safer, calmer or less significant to see a life coach, but this person is unlikely to have the tools or knowledge to help you.

If you need help managing or overcoming psychological issues or past traumas, then you should look for a licensed counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist in your area. These professionals received highly specialized education and have advanced knowledge of the problems you’re facing. They will have the tools, resources and capability to provide more help than a life coach in these situations.

3. You’re Seeking Affirmation

Part of a life coach’s job is to challenge you. They want to push you out of your comfort zone and current mindset to find something better. So if you’re simply looking for a wise friend to agree with everything you say, you’ll be sorely disappointed. People looking for simple support, not a challenge, will be happier turning to family and friends.

When to Hire a Life Coach

Now that you know when a life coach isn’t right for you, we can look at those situations when they might be the perfect solution!

1. You Need Help Achieving Your Goals

Life coaches are trained in helping others create a plan to reach their goals and stick to it. So if you find yourself drifting through life or not making meaningful progress toward where you want to be, hiring a life coach could be a good choice. 

Additionally, if you feel like you need a meaningful goal but have none, a life coach can help you set one. They’ll talk you through assessing your values and motivations to set both personal and professional goals that will fulfill you mentally, physically, financially and spiritually.

2. You Need an Accountability Partner

Sometimes you need someone to keep you on the straight and narrow. A life coach can act as your accountability partner as you work through tough situations or practice giving up difficult things, such as addictions or bad habits. Having someone you can call to coach you through challenging moments can keep you feeling strong and confident.

3. You Want to Leave Your Comfort Zone

There might come a time in your life when you realize that sticking to your comfort zone is holding you back. However, that doesn’t always mean you know how to leave it. A health coach can help you slowly and systematically push your boundaries so you feel more comfortable doing things you’ve never done before or thought you never would do.

Part of this is also changing your mindset. A life coach will help you reframe how you see the world and react to negativity. Oftentimes, simply changing how you think about your situation can expand your comfort zone. Your coach is there to reaffirm this shift in thought and teach you ways to apply it in your life.

A life coach can bring positivity and new experiences to your life. If you’re looking to make positive changes, reach your goals or expand your comfort zone, then hiring a coach might be right for you.

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