Treating Co-Occurring Disorders in Patients with Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis is when a person has both a mental condition and a substance use disorder. Its simultaneous occurrence of two or more illnesses means that each person will experience symptoms that are very different from one another. Patients who turn to substance addiction to deal with difficulties in their lives, such as mental health disorders, fall under this broad category.

A patient with a dual diagnosis exhibits a variety of symptoms, such as anxiety, apathy, impulsivity, recurrent thoughts, and other psychotic diseases. Although personality disorder and alcohol/drug abuse are both diseases that may be treated, many people are unsure of how to manage the situation. For this reason, a person needs to pick a co-occurring disorder treatment centers with a variety of treatment alternatives to enable him to recover from this crippling ailment. It is imperative to cure both the conditions. By doing this, a person increases his chances of complete recovery and return to the normal productive life.

Treating the mental illness

Integrated intervention is the greatest kind of treatment for people who are battling both a substance misuse problem and a mental health issue. The patient receives treatment in this for both substance misuse and mental illness. Compared to the treatment for a single disorder, the treatment for dual diagnoses may take longer and increase the risk of addiction relapse. Due to the existence of two chronic illnesses, these individuals typically have a poor prognosis and general health.

A study by Euphrosyne Gouzoulis-Mayfrank and colleagues that was published in Deutsches Arzteblatt International looked into whether treating mental disorders could encourage individuals to cut back on substance addiction. 100 patients with dual diagnoses who willingly took part in the research were the subject of the study. The majority of patients had a normal course of care that included several therapeutic sessions and cognitive training. A couple of them were advised to maintain their abstinence while being offered a particular disorder treatment programme. Additionally, cognitive behavioral therapy and psych educational instruction were offered to the latter group.

After the year-long study, the researchers concluded that patients receiving the disorder-specific treatment were also motivated to abstain from substance abuse unlike conventional treatment. This method cannot provide a complete treatment for dual diagnosis; therefore, the above hypothesis needs to be further tested on a larger sample to realize its potential

Efficacy of inpatient rehabilitation program

In 2014, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) stated that 7.4% of all Americans experienced co-occurring disorders. Dual diagnosis patients require specialized care, and the best option is inpatient rehab program. In this program, patients are shielded from outside distractions and given expert behavioral therapy support to ensure successful outcomes.

A residential patient’s ability to manage stress may be greatly aided by routine treatment from qualified medical professionals like Blue Cross Blue Shield drug rehabs and specialized therapies. A rehab institution offers inpatient programs that mandate residents stay at the facility throughout the course of care. Through coordinated therapies, these programs are especially created to assist addicts in recovering from the co-occurring conditions. In many cases, doctors will only employ behavioral treatment when treating patients who have a history of substance misuse and are reluctant to take pharmaceuticals.

Mental health and substance abuse often overlap at a very complex juncture. On the surface, they might appear to be distinct, but in reality they feed on each other. Therefore, a careful assessment is needed to establish the existence of both disorders. Although that might prove difficult, since the symptoms of one disorder can mimic the symptoms of the other. Inpatient dual diagnosis treatment facilities can provide you with an efficient therapy if you or a loved one are dealing with a dual diagnosis and looking for professional assistance. The best inpatient dual diagnosis recovery facilities in your region can be found with the help of the Dual Diagnosis Helpline.

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