Benefits of Online Therapy for Students

You’ve probably already felt overwhelmed in college or university. Maybe you’ve even felt that you were going to “fail” with so many tasks to fulfill. It’s common for overworked students to get stuck at some point, not knowing how to get started on a job they would normally do with ease. Overwork can fuel procrastination, which adds to the annoyance of the whole situation.

If your education activities have exceeded your resources to handle them with ease, it may be important to reflect on the reasons why you became overwhelmed and changed your situation. 

However, if you are currently unable to make a change and need to deal with the overload, some therapy strategies can help, verified by Los Angeles Magazine.

Focus on the present with the 5-4-3-2-1 technique

5 – Look around and list five things you are seeing right now from where you are.

4 – Listen and list four things you are listening to.

3 – Pay attention to three things you are touching, such as how your feet feel inside your shoes or a hot cup of coffee.

2 – Breathe and smell two smells around you, like the aroma of coffee or pages of a book.

1 – Finally, notice something you are feeling with your taste buds, like a sip of water or simply the taste of your own mouth.

Tidying up the space around you can organize a small dimension of your universe and allow you to get on with your activities. We’re not talking about anything big, just the workspace within arms reach. Stack loose papers, remove empty packaging, dust and store objects that are out of place. This organization will make you feel like you’ve accomplished something and allow you to focus on the task that needs to be done, not the mess.


If you’re overwhelmed, cut out the things that should be done and focus on the things that need to be done. While you may want to do a task badly or may feel guilty about not doing it, these are not the top criteria to prioritize. Allow yourself to let go of the un-essentials.

Stop doing multiple tasks accidentally

We know that multitasking isn’t possible, as our brain isn’t made to do two or three tasks at once. Even so, we end up going back and forth between different activities, often unintentionally.

Try to work at home while keeping an eye on the kids, carrying on a conversation with the TV on, checking notifications while you work, or keeping your phone handy at all times are all examples of things that force attention to shift hundreds of times along the way. 

So if your mind is overloaded, relieve it by doing one thing at a time.

Accept what you can and cannot control

You can strategize or improvise as much as you like, but at some point you’re going to come across something you can’t do or control. In that case, the only thing to do is to radically accept.

Radical acceptance does not mean giving in to resignation. It means allowing the uncertain and the uncontrollable, without fighting or complaining, and continuing to do what you can rather than investing in what you can’t.

The Benefits of Online Therapy for students

Check out the most favorable benefits of online therapy for student:

1. Little interference in study routine

Many students use the excuse of a busy study routine to not seek the help they need to study better. However, online therapies help in this regard. The conversations with the therapists take place in the patient’s time, with no need to travel, which avoids traffic fatigue and helps to optimize the study time.

2. Lower cost

It offers a lower price compared to face-to-face consultations, because the offices include fees for maintenance of the physical space in the value of the consultation. In addition, the student patient also has expenses with travel, such as the price of ticket, gas or private transport to get to the office.

3. Practicality

For online therapy, the student patient does not necessarily need to leave their home. In most cases, just the cell phone or computer is enough for consultations or conversations with therapists. This comfort encourages dis-inhibition, as we can feel more comfortable in familiar environments, preserves privacy, as we do not need to go to offices and wait in public environments, and is a form of integration for those who live far from large centers and do not have easy access to clinics or therapy professionals.

4. Possibility of finding a psychologist specialized in your needs

The student patients try to find the most qualified specialists to meet their specific difficulties. Therefore, the professional who will assist you will be specialized in your fragile areas, being able to help in a specific way, contributing to a complete evolution of your quality of study and life.

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