Style of writing

It is necessary that scientists use a certain style and technique of writing, making the writing intelligible to any layperson from virtually any time period so that future scientists may continue to branch off of old research.

Steve Amonson who wrote, “Style in scientific writing”,  talks a lot about how many scientists in the making think that scientific writing is made up of science jargon, when in reality writing in science should be as simplified as possible.  He specifically states that rhetoric in science should be described with words like, “brevity, clarity, and precision”.

A great quote by Jules Henri Poincare explains the importance of style in scientific writing by saying, “Science is built up with facts, as a house is with stones, but a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house. Style is the architect” (Amonson, 11). 


Rules to remember for scientific writing style:

  1. Be clear.
  2. Be concise.
  3. Don’t add “pretty” words, just state the facts/results. 







Amonson, Steve. “Style in scientific writing.” Essays of an information scientist 3 (1977): 4-13.


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