Get Outside Getting outdoors in nature can be good for people’s health and well-being. In the article, Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health by Jim Robbins (2020), it explores this field of research, how it is growing and studies are now plentiful. As cited in the article, Richard Louv, a journalist in San […]
9 Quick Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
What is a Carbon Footprint? Before you begin making lifestyle changes to become more sustainable, it is important to understand your carbon footprint and the role it plays in our world. A person’s carbon footprint is all of the net carbon emissions that result from their daily activities. Nearly all human activities, driving a vehicle, […]
Sustainable Choices and the Sustainable Lifestyle
Hey There, Welcome! This blog is dedicated to helping you figure out how to navigate the confusing world of sustainability and making The Simple Switch one step at a time! My goal is to help you realize that making the shift to thinking environment first while also creating a sustainable lifestyle is not actually as […]