GDES 2313: Midterm Assessment Essay

Midterm Assessment Essay

 For my expert hours in relationship to my use of practice time, I would say I am consistent. I am creating my own line of elegant dresses and I always set aside a few hours to work on it. I do all my work on time and I give my best effort every time. I feel like throughout the projects we have done in class, I have been consistent within each step of the process.

I think the sophistication of my work is at the medium level. I don’t have much experience with illustrator but I have been practicing and doing my best to learn how it works. Because my experience level isn’t too high, I feel like it shows in the sophistication of my work, rating me at medium level.

I think I am very good at dealing with feedback. I take everything that is said about my work into consideration because I believe that is how you grow as a designer. I would rate myself at meaningful because I care and want feedback on my work so I can improve and so that I learn from my mistakes. It helps teach me what works and what doesn’t work.

These projects have challenged me in different areas. Using illustrator and learning how to use the vinyl cutter have definitely challenged me. I also challenge myself to learn from previous projects so that I can grow in all areas, especially craft. I would rate myself between medium and intense. I think I am above medium but I haven’t reached intense yet. I still strive to get there.

For other expert experiences I would put myself at “lots of extra stuff” because I am a part of the cross country team. I am on scholarship and I have to work hard and travel on the weekends. It takes up most of my free time but I am also a part of other organizations. I am taking 18 hours which requires a lot of extra time for each class and I have to do all of this while still improving and exceling in my running.

My social emotional development is at the mature level. I am in control of myself and my work. Yes, I stress out and put pressure on myself but I work well with pressure and I feel like I haven’t procrastinated at all this semester. I have been on top of my game with all my assignments and feel like I am striving in my working environment.

I feel like I contribute to the class and would rate myself at warm. I enjoy learning and contributing in this class. I give feedback and participate on a daily basis.

One of my elegant dress designs

One of my elegant dress designs

Match Box from image meth

Match Box from Image Meth.