I decided to make combine the Lego realm and collage it with the real world, which my particular location is Lady Bird Lake. My sequence is not complete yet because I am still waiting for a few more lego pieces to arrive, take more pictures of them, learn how to add text, etc. so I can make it about 20 pages long, but this is what I have so far. I am looking forward to revisiting and re-editing my book but I am proud of the progress I have made.
Category: Uncategorized
Blog Post #10
1.) The CEO, Bryant, and Eva all had very interesting information to present to the class which could technically pertain to visual students of all majors. I learned that there are so many concepts and key components that actually go into the process which really interested me. Bryant, in particular, really emphasized the importance of structure and development, while Eva explored the more creative and artsy side of game-designing.
2.) A lot of the faculty here at St. Edwards are visual geniuses and experts in their given field. Did they all stat from ground zero like many current freshmen, or did they come into college with a good background?
How long did it take them to reach their peak/greatness?
Nov 7th Critique
So far, I am feeling somewhat confused and indecisive as to whether or not I still want to stick with my idea. I haven’t taken many pictures because other ideas I have in mind do not include anything similar to those pictures, which is why there are so little of them. I am still learning how to print, upload pictures, and use Lightroom and InDesign, but it is all part of the process. contact-sheet
Blog Post #9
1.) Matt Lankes was such an interesting and successful man who has a strong passion for what he does for a living. Personally, his success and career are ultimately goals I have for myself and that I would like to achieve one day. In his discussion, he talked about how he was able to experience traveling and learning about global cultures and how he got the chance to take many remarkable photographs of some very famous people. I hope to be as happy and successful as him one day because he seems as if he wakes up everyday in a good mood because it means he will continue to make his living off of something he deeply loves to do.
2.) These are some internships that I would be interested in participating in because they can benefit my creativity while also introducing me into a potentially desirable workplace.
03 Sequence Sketch
I’m still not too sure whether I did this correctly or not but this is an idea a I have for this sequence project. I explored some of the University of Texas campus and came across a vast amount of nature. That being said, I decided to revolve my idea around development and growth. The first row represents the growth of an individual which inevitably results into the beginning of a life-time and start to a grand journey. The middle row is blank because it is a representation of where many college students stand considering we are still trying to create something of ourselves while also trying to find out who we are and what we are passionate about. It is up to cherish, learn, and work where we desire to be in life. The bottom row is the direct result of what comes from the middle row; depending on whether we keep believing in and taking care of ourselves, it will either lead to a happy and pleasant ending or a miserable and displeasing lifestyle.
Blog Post #8
Although the presenter that spoke about advising did not really speak much about anything i did not already know, I found it helpful when he used Graphic Design as the example for planing for upcoming courses. As he presented about the curriculum, it helped me plan for the future and have a better idea of what courses are to come. That being said, it is helpful for me to know ahead of time so I plan to my future as customized and convenient as possible.
The presentation that most attracted me was the advisor from the GEO center. Because I got many of my general and basic courses out of the way in high school and because my major has courses that are only offered at certain times, it would be harder for me to travel abroad. However, I would like to take the required religious course abroad sometime next school year, particularly somewhere in Europe because my sister did so and really enjoyed it. It was really helpful to know about their office hours and when is the best time to plan about studying abroad one-on-one.
The art and fashion presentations were rather interesting because all of the information, material, and passion they displayed was new to me. This particular presentation showed the sophistication and pride they take in their work, so being involved in something is what I would like to experience at St. Edwards as soon as possible.
Sequence: Memento
Memento Sequence of Events Review Memento was hands down one of the most complex, yet, captivating films I have ever seen. At first, I was somewhat confused at the beginning, but as time in the movie progressed, it was easy to see the recurring pattern in which made this movie so effective. I felt like the theme of this movie’s sequence of events was displayed by showing a complicated snippet of the future in one scene, and then a clarifying part of the past that ties the two time frames together; sort of like a cause-and-effect, except in this case, the audience is presented the effect before the actual cause. In a way, the sequence may also be a representation with how Leonard’s mind works. Because of the injury Leonard sustained in the middle of the night, he is only able to remember his life prior to the incident which, ultimately, limits his ability to create new and long-lasting memories. The film works similarly to his condition because the audience is exposed to unexplained movie scenes that leave us in wonder, much like how Leonard feels after five minutes have passed and he has no idea what he has gotten himself into. The only difference, however, is that the scenes that follow show the audience what happened, whereas Leonard’s only resort of reasoning and knowing come from photographs, writings, and documents. The film as a whole also moves through a spiraling motion. The first scene of the movie is what would have eventually happened to Teddy because of how Leonard’s mind lives for the daily, vengeful hunt for his wife’s “killer,” even though he cannot remember that the person he is chasing has already been caught. Likewise, the story with Sammy Jankis is actually just a fictional representation of Leonard’s own story, with the exception of a few alterations. For example, both Sammy and Leonard have short-term memory disabilities and a wife who is diagnosed with diabetes. Since Leonard’s wife, in fact, was not murdered that night, she could not bear the fact that her husband was unable to create new memories. Because of her disbelief, she decided to have her forgetful husband give her excessive amounts of insulin which led to her death—which is the same thing that happened to Sammy Jankis. This ties with the sequence because it shows how the outcome of that night has haunted his existence, which led him to believe that his only purpose for living now is trying to find his wife’s killer– even though his determined and on-going conceptual cycle for revenge will never stop. All in all, time, memory, and sequence were all the key components this movie needed to successfully express its theatrical theme and focus.
Blog Post #7
Based on the presentations from both alumnis, I would say that it is always nice and refreshing hearing from students who have gone through the same process that I am just beginning. Its also interesting to know that there are many doors waiting for me to open if I properly apply and prepare myself. Because it was confusing to distinguish what Abbas was saying, I feel as if I could relate to Camille more because of her interest in Graphic Design. I feel like her experience and that this is a new journey in her life made me realize that that could hopefully be me in a few years. I learned that there is a job for graphic designers in the Student Life office in which will enable us to gain practice and experience through something we are passionate about. Hearing the recommendations from her also made me mentally note to try and take the Print Makings course along with also aiming for a paid internship opposed to a non-paying one. She also mentioned that practicing her creative skills was a fundamental step in which lead to her over all knowledge.
Repost: 10 Scanned SoCo Items
Harmony Collage 10/17
Because this was the final collage and the instructions were open to the artist’s interpretation, I feel like combining the digital and applying it the a physical analog (and vise versa) allowed me to express myself in more than 1 way. Although now I know that I can upload my Photocollage as a PDF instead of taking a picture, I made this one the day before Wednesday’s class because I did not save it. However, this will serve as a learning lesson for future references in terms of more efficient uploading. But as far as the analog, I used snipets of a past collage and incorporated them in a cleaner and less chaotic manner because I learned that less is usually more. I feel like my experience with Photoshop is slowly but surely improving along with really applying myself to make a clean, organized, and presentable, physical analog. That being said, I am forward to upcoming projects!