Blog Post #8

Although the presenter that spoke about advising did not really speak much about anything i did not already know, I found it helpful when he used Graphic Design as the example for planing for upcoming courses. As he presented about the curriculum, it helped me plan for the future and have a better idea of what courses are to come. That being said, it is helpful for me to know ahead of time so I plan to my future as customized and convenient as possible.

The presentation that most attracted me was the advisor from the GEO center. Because I got many of my general and basic courses out of the way in high school and because my major has courses that are only offered at certain times, it would be harder for me to travel abroad. However, I would like to take the required religious course abroad sometime next school year, particularly somewhere in Europe because my sister did so and really enjoyed it. It was really helpful to know about their office hours and when is the best time to plan about studying abroad one-on-one.

The art and fashion presentations were rather interesting because all of the information, material, and passion they displayed was new to me. This particular presentation showed the sophistication and pride they take in their work, so being involved in something is what I would like to experience at St. Edwards as soon as possible.

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