How To Effectively Work From Home

Times Have Evolved

Due to a global pandemic the world had a major change in people’s daily routine. In some cases, many people had to say goodbye to their onerous commute to work. Over time, the global pandemic made work from home a routine for millions of people all over the world.

Nowadays, for many organizations, it is not necessary to go into the office to have a productive day. There are people who are more productive throughout their day when they work from home.

Effectively Work From home

Getting started with an at home workday can be very difficult, some people lose motivation, which leads to less productivity. In order to have a successful work from home day, people must set themselves to be productive, free from distractions, and must be motivated. This includes having a designated work space and dealing with any  distractions. Here are some strategies and tips to have success and productivity as a remote worker.

Have a Set Schedule

Having structure throughout the day is very crucial for productivity. This allows people to get things done more efficiently. Sticking to a schedule is good to better manage the expectations set by an organization, a client, or a boss. Whether a job requires a nine-to-five schedule, or if there is more flexibility, it is important to use those hours to focus on work and avoid disruptions.

In order to stay motivated and focused, people should add some structure into their days. A set schedule should not be strict and it is an amazing method to know your work flexibility.

Create an enjoyable work space

Not everyone has a designated space for a home office, but it is very important to have privacy and a quiet space for work. For the most part, separating the designated work area from personal spaces allows people to be more functional.

Moving from personal spaces, such as the bedroom, can help promote a better work-life balance. Having a designated work area is KEY to help with someone’s mindset and motivation to be productive at work. Lastly, creating a positive and productive space is inevitable to stay focused.

Remove Distractions

When working from home, distractions can be very easy to follow. For many people, their home is their happy and safe place, which makes it very easy for people to get distracted. When someone breaks concentration it can take much time to get their state of mind into a working mood.Some tips to avoid distractions are:

  • Hide Your Phone:  The phone should be placed in a distance that allows people to have visibility, but not so much reachability. Placing the phone away is a great start to avoid distractions.
  • Use timers: Using timers is a great way to help someone stay focused throughout the day. Setting specific blocks of work time before taking a break helps to be more productive.

Take Breaks

People sit behind their screen for hours, thus,  it is important to take breaks. Taking breaks is very helpful for people’s physical and mental health, this gives people time to take their mind off work and avoid feeling burnout. Additionally, taking breaks provides time to help rest the vision, get blood flooding faster, and regain focus. Some activities people can do while their breaks are, eating lunch or going for a small walk.

Productivity Tools

With the revolution of technology, there are now many helpful tools that make working from home a little more simple. There are amazing tools to help stay organized, to communicate between co-workers, and to increase the overall productivity of the job. Additionally, there are various tools that are great for storage, marketing, and taking notes. Below is a few list of the most common and helpful tools for a remote worker.

Extra social interaction

Many people have a misconception of working from home. Remote work does not mean there is no communication, engagement, or interaction within the organization. If possible, organizations should try to  set time aside for conference calls, trivia days, or other social interactions between employees. After long hours of working on projects, scheduling something special for employees is important to increase their productivity.

Which Tip You Will Try Next?

Managing a life that involves working from home is not easy, it is definitely a long-term game that people need to get comfortable with and do what works best for them. It is important for people to understand their ideal working environment, their work style, and use tools that will make working from home more manageable.


Christine, O. (2021, August 10). 20 crucial survival tips for working remotely. O. Christine. Retrieved September 19, 2021, from

Cook, J. (2021, July 29). The ultimate guide to working from home. Investopedia. Retrieved September 19, 2021, from

Your Way to Happiness

As human beings we are always thinking about living a meaningful and happy life. However, our own state of mind is often what keeps us away from our happiness.

We constantly find ourselves in an unhappy state of mind when we worry about things, something is stressing us, or when we have  bad routines.

Yes, MANY times life is very difficult, but we cannot spend our days worrying and letting our problems take the best of us, we have the choice to be happy.

Living Your Best Life Today

I am going to share with you a phrase from the article: “How to Live Your Best Life Starting Today”

 “You are a unique individual, so living your best life is exclusive to you”   (Gower, 2021).

The article mentions that a person’s best life is a reflection of their true values. In the end, your true values are a combination of what makes you happy and what making a difference really means to you.

It highlights how people can spend so much time trying to live the life that society expects us to live. Thus, we lose focus on the things that truly make us happy and what our lives really look like. (Gower, 2021)

How Do You Start?

Living your best life starts with being the best version of yourself. And I know what you are probably thinking, sometimes it can be SO hard  to be or feel the best version of myself. This is where you focus on who you want to be, your strengths, and feel proud of what makes you unique.

Ways to Live Your Best Life 

Live in the Present

You wake up every day with a new opportunity in life, a new chance to live your best life. We often find ourselves getting stuck simply because we put things off or we leave things for the next day.

People many times think that in order to be happy we need new things. However, in the process you forget about everything you already have.

Wear comfy clothes, go out, and enjoy the present. Go and do something fun,  interesting, maybe try something new, hang out with people that make you feel happy, just do something.

Be Intentional 

Intentions let you decide what kind of positive emotions and feelings you are trying to seek. Often, intentions are perceived as more motivating because if you do not achieve them, you simply just try again another time.

Setting intentions gives you something to really focus on, distract yourself, and relieve that feeling of being overwhelmed.


Sometimes all we need is 3o minutes of alone time, taking a bath, or even window shopping.

Doing something for yourself is a great way to recharge your body and mind so that you can do better. Give yourself permission to feel the way you are feeling and then just simply, when you are ready, let go.

Take time to appreciate the little things in life. Even in the moment when you are feeling your lowest, there is always something to be grateful for.


Live every day with intentions, enjoy your life, and remember you have the choice. Your feelings are valid, don’t let others tell you otherwise. Focus on living your best life and make sure you enjoy the process, the learning, and the experiences that come along this journey.

I hope to see you back next week for our chat!


Gower, L. (2021, January 25). How to live your best life starting Today. Lifehack.

Welcome to My First Blog Post!

Hey, I’m Aleyra!

So glad you found your way to my blog! I am a sarcastic marketing junkie and weekend lover who wants to inspire you to live your best life. This is currently my last semester of grad school and as my final project, I will be posting weekly lifestyle blogs for you.

I am passionate about living my life with purpose and improving every day of my life. I’m here to share with you my journey as I am constantly improving myself, exploring, and doing things that make me happy. I would love for you to join me on this journey, and we can start living our best lives together.

About Bold and Lively

Self-improvement is a constant journey that will always require to put some effort on. “The idea should be focused on continuous self-development at every stage of our life and become better versions of ourselves” (Belin, 2021). Learn 12 reasons why self-improvement is important irrespective of your age here.

Bold and Lively is a safe place where we talk about self-improvement, life lessons, adventures, and marketing. If you love simplicity, want to balance your life, make the most of what you already have, enjoy the little things in life, and a couple marketing tips then you should definitely spend more time here!

See you next week for our weekly chat!


Belin, A. (2021, January 12). The importance of self improvement no matter how old you are. Lifehack.