What is the first thing you do in the morning?
How you start your day can be a huge indicator on how the rest of your day is going to play out. Sometimes, mornings can be SO though. There are days where you wake up and all you want to do is hit the snooze button and stay in bed.
Having a good morning routine is important in order to gather yourself and prepare for the day. Even though everyone has different morning routines, there are some things you can do to make sure you have a productive day. With this being said, here are some habits you can add to your current morning routine to make it perfect and help you have a more successful day.
Morning Habits for a Productive Day
Wake Up Early
Having an early morning rise allows you to function better because your “energy levels are higher and more productive during that time” (McCoy & Oré, 2020). Waking up early is a great method for you to accomplish so much more throughout your day.
Interested in learning more about waking up early in the morning? Read this article: How to Wake Up Early, According to Sleep Experts.
Make Your Bed
Making your bed as soon as you wake up is one of the easiest things you can do at the start of your productive day. It makes your room look clean and it creates a positive atmosphere. This will get you ready for your upcoming tasks and it prevents you from going back to bed.
This is one of the most important habits to add into your morning routine. According to this article by Healthline, there are six different types of meditation which include: mindfulness, spiritual, focused, movement, mantra, and transcendental (Bertone, 2020). Read more about each meditation type here.
Whichever type of meditation you do, just make sure you find something that invokes peace into your life. Even if you only have 10 minutes, spend that time keeping your mind clear and quiet to help you have a peaceful day. Meditating regularly allows you to feel more calm and perform better throughout your day.
Drink Water
Staying hydrated is KEY in the morning. Our bodies have been resting for hours which means they are very dehydrated. Not only does water help our bodies rehydrate, but it also helps you fully wake up, purifies your system, and most importantly water is very beneficial for you. Drinking plenty of water sets you up to feel good and be productive overall.
You want to feel productive today? Get an hour of yoga done, a three mile run, go for a walk, or do a workout. Exercising is a great way to release any build up tension that you have and it helps your body and mind get going in the morning.
Keep in mind that whichever form of exercise you decide to do, it does not have to be extensive and exhausting. As long as you do an exercise that you enjoy and get your body fueled, you will find benefit.
Plan Out Your Day
A very effective morning habit to have a more productive day is planning out your day in advance. You can create a to-do list, not only will this hold you accountable throughout the day, it is also a great push into getting your tasks done by a certain time.
The Takeaway
Practicing discipline and investing time on yourself the first minutes in your morning is a very effective way to set yourself up into having a more productive day. Add these morning habits to your current routine, make it fitting to you, to your schedule, and personalize it to create the ideal morning you want to have. It is not easy to form new habits, but the more you try, the sooner you will find your perfect morning routine to have a productive day.
Which habits are you most looking forward to adding into your morning routine?
See you again next week!
Bertone, H. J. (2020, October 2). Which type of meditation is right for you? Healthline. Retrieved September 12, 2021, from https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/types-of-meditation#overview.
McCoy, J., & Oré, C. R. and M. (2020, December 31). How to wake up early, according to sleep experts. Glamour. Retrieved September 12, 2021, from https://www.glamour.com/story/how-to-wake-up-early.