As human beings we are always thinking about living a meaningful and happy life. However, our own state of mind is often what keeps us away from our happiness.
We constantly find ourselves in an unhappy state of mind when we worry about things, something is stressing us, or when we have bad routines.
Yes, MANY times life is very difficult, but we cannot spend our days worrying and letting our problems take the best of us, we have the choice to be happy.
Living Your Best Life Today
I am going to share with you a phrase from the article: “How to Live Your Best Life Starting Today”
“You are a unique individual, so living your best life is exclusive to you” (Gower, 2021).
The article mentions that a person’s best life is a reflection of their true values. In the end, your true values are a combination of what makes you happy and what making a difference really means to you.
It highlights how people can spend so much time trying to live the life that society expects us to live. Thus, we lose focus on the things that truly make us happy and what our lives really look like. (Gower, 2021)
How Do You Start?
Living your best life starts with being the best version of yourself. And I know what you are probably thinking, sometimes it can be SO hard to be or feel the best version of myself. This is where you focus on who you want to be, your strengths, and feel proud of what makes you unique.
Ways to Live Your Best Life
Live in the Present
You wake up every day with a new opportunity in life, a new chance to live your best life. We often find ourselves getting stuck simply because we put things off or we leave things for the next day.
People many times think that in order to be happy we need new things. However, in the process you forget about everything you already have.
Wear comfy clothes, go out, and enjoy the present. Go and do something fun, interesting, maybe try something new, hang out with people that make you feel happy, just do something.
Be Intentional
Intentions let you decide what kind of positive emotions and feelings you are trying to seek. Often, intentions are perceived as more motivating because if you do not achieve them, you simply just try again another time.
Setting intentions gives you something to really focus on, distract yourself, and relieve that feeling of being overwhelmed.
Sometimes all we need is 3o minutes of alone time, taking a bath, or even window shopping.
Doing something for yourself is a great way to recharge your body and mind so that you can do better. Give yourself permission to feel the way you are feeling and then just simply, when you are ready, let go.
Take time to appreciate the little things in life. Even in the moment when you are feeling your lowest, there is always something to be grateful for.
Live every day with intentions, enjoy your life, and remember you have the choice. Your feelings are valid, don’t let others tell you otherwise. Focus on living your best life and make sure you enjoy the process, the learning, and the experiences that come along this journey.
I hope to see you back next week for our chat!
Gower, L. (2021, January 25). How to live your best life starting Today. Lifehack.
This post was exactly what I needed to read. Beautiful 💛