Alex Robinson

I was actually really impressed with Alex Robinson’s work.  I’ve noticed that there are numerous amounts of outstanding artists at St. Edwards and it’s pretty cool that our faculty is composed of them.  The pieces that I loved the most out of her work were the all of the installations.  Installation artwork is always super interesting, in my opinion.  There was another project that she worked on that had to deal with crime in a specific community area and she tracked the statistics down.  She created artwork with her data and it actually came out pretty amazing.  She was also really inspiring.  She never gave up on her work and she improved as time went by.  She had also mentioned going an artist residency somewhere….I think…and that also seemed appealing to me.  In the future I hope to do some sort of artist residency to improve my skills and just have fun.  Anything dealing with art and sharing what you made with the community interests me; it just makes me excited for life.

– A

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