Spring Scheduling

Thinking about next semester kind of makes me nervous, to be completely honest.  Being a Photo major is pretty swell but the workload can be immense.  Throughout this semester I have learned how to somewhat manage my time.  However I have had trouble managing when I have to go develop and print out my pictures.  Next semester will be much better though.  I plan on taking Photo II and Digital Imaging I and possibly becoming a graphic design minor.  So I might as well take Typography I.  I’m actually really excited for that class, as well.  Although I know that it will be pretty hard managing all these art classes, I think I will be able to manage it.  I think I should also consider earlier classes so I’m not in class until 5 again (anything pass 3:30 tends to make me fall asleep).  All in all, I’m pretty excited for next semester’s classes since I have gotten all my basics out of the way.

– A

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