1. What are the main points of each article?
Article 1- The main points of this article are, artists are innovators, empathetic, craftspeople, unique, intuitive, ambiguous, out of the box thinkers, and most importantly passionate about their work.
Article 2- The main points of this article are don’t let passion take control of you, learn to be organized, and find partners to help you achieve your goals.
2. What can artists learn from their “entrepreneurial cousins”?
Artist can learn some time management and organizational skills from their “entrepreneurial cousins”. They can also learn to take one one step at a time and don’t let limits stop you.
3. Do you agree that artists are entrepreneurs? why?
I do agree to a certain extent. Not all artists have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. I believe that if they knew business as much as they know their art that they could all be entrepreneurs. With enough organization and determination anything is possible.
4. Which of the 12 characteristics of artists do you agree with?
I agree with all of them but I think I most identify with numbers 2, 4, 9, and 11. I identify with these numbers the most because I can actually see where I’m like that.
5. What others would you add to the list?
I would add that artists are interpreters everything an artist creates is up to the audience to interpret. They lead you in the direction that you need to go but they don’t give you the answer either.
6. Do you have grit, or is this something you need to work on?
List a couple of things you could do to increase your level of grit.
I got a grit score of 3.88 out of 5. The test told me “You are grittier than at least 70% of the US population.” However I do not believe that to be true. I think there are plenty of people out there with more grit than me. No matter how much grit this test told me I have there are still plenty of things I need to work on. For example getting distracted from tasks easily, procrastinating, and even just simply following through sometimes.