Stop Motion Animation

Not only was this project supposed to act as an introduction into Adobe After Effects, it was also meant as an exercise in construction over time. I had to create an object in my animation, and then create motion with it; that meant that the object might change throughout the animation, or something might happen to it.  I decided to construct this 2D tesseract gradually through the explorations of a little stick man, and then reveal the entire shape at the end. By creating my object through hand drawings, I wanted to give the animation a story-like feel, and to be something fun to watch.


Design Elements Sequence

This project introduced me to the six principal elements of design: shape, space, size, line, texture, and value. This project had me take six different pictures, each of them with one of the elements of design as the most prominent characteristic. I then had to sequence my photographs in a way that connected them through the elements of design. In order from top to bottom, my photos are sequenced in order of line, size, shape, texture, space, and value; they in turn are linked by space, shape, texture, line, and value, from top to bottom. There were a lot of different photos taken in the process of making this sequence, because the photos had to clearly demonstrate one element, while also connecting to others in some way. This connection really made me think about the composition of my photos in a new way, and so I had to decide to retake a lot of my photos to get the elements just right.



Connects through space


Connects through shape


Connects through texture


Connects through line


Connects through value
