There are many different ways of looking at a simple paperclip. However, the following are my favorite.
This picture was my favorite out of all of the situational pictures that I took. My dog is balancing the paperclip on her nose, because she suspects its a treat, and there’s a general sense of waiting for something to happen.
These two pictures have to go hand-in-hand with each other, because without the context of both, neither makes sense. I like the interrelationship between these two photos, and the connection that can be made between the flipping of the switch, and the position of the paperclip prongs. It sort of represents the way that one small movement can make a big difference.
The reflection in this photo was what really caught my attention when I looked through my collection. It’s not an exact replica, but that’s what makes it interesting. Not being symmetrical, the paperclip couldn’t make any common shapes with its reflection, but that’s also what keeps this photo interesting.
This is not the only chalk picture that I took that involved seeing the paperclip as an ‘A’, but it’s the one that I like the most, because it has an interaction between the drawing, the paperclip, and the hand, and at the same time is just large exclamation. It also has some fantastical element to it, since letters don’t typically see the hands that write them, and hey, at least I think it’s funny.
I feel as if the rest of these photos can be explained together. These are the pictures that I felt portrayed the different shapes of the paperclip the best. All of the depictions above would be incomplete without the paperclip, and the paperclip would remain a mere paperclip without the drawings to draw out the imagination. Also, even though all of the pictures are still, there is some action in the blowing of the horn and the spaceship taking off that can be feltĀ because of the paperclip. And who doesn’t like a Batman reference?