Blog Post #10

Warm Crash, 2015, watercolor and ink, 14 x 17
Warm Crash, 2015, watercolor and ink, 14 x 17

Lately I’ve been experimenting with process-based art. Here, this process is comprised of laying down small pieces of tape, painting over and around them, and then “outlining” the tape and areas of color. This piece was partly inspired by Jenn Hassin’s cartographic drawings, a form of art I was exposed to after working in her studio.

Maddie, 2015, graphite, 9" x 11"
Maddie, 2015, graphite, 9″ x 11″

I made this drawing recently in preparation for my final project in Painting I. The drawing is of my younger sister, Maddie. I really enjoy making quick portraits of people that are close to me, and applying the emotions I associate with those people into my work.  This here is a prime example of that interest.

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