Foundations of Art & Design

Shelter Project

March-May 2015



Final Shelter:

IMG_7992 IMG_8006 IMG_7996


Photo Project

March 2015

2015-03-11 20.51.19 2015-03-10 23.20.46 2015-03-10 23.00.07 2015-03-11 20.18.50 2015-03-10 22.02.25

Essay Reflection: Nipple Jesus // Feet In Smoke

6 March 2015

Nipple Jesus by: Nick Hornby

I found this essay to be really intriguing and overall there was a mixture of different feelings portrayed by the author.  For the most part I would describe the mood as personal and intimate because the narrator is sharing thoughts and feelings that he would not normally share out loud.  Since he is a bouncer at a bar it is not expected of him to enjoy a piece of art so much and become engrossed with what the piece is representing.  Reading this made me feel sorry for the narrator and his conflicted emotions about the piece of art and his life in general.

Feet In Smoke by: John Jeremiah Sullivan

The mood of this essay was intense and suspenseful.  As I was reading this I felt like I was there witnessing the event and the aftermath.  It was really painful to read about the narrator listening to his brother say nonsensical things and then recover with no memory of the event.  The event took its tool on the whole family but Worth has no recollection of it.  I cannot relate to this kind of event of anything similar to it, but I felt sympathy towards Worth and his family.

Extra Credit:  Senior Graphic Design Exhibition

8 Feb. 2015

I was really impressed by all the creative projects that the senior graphic design students presented.  Everyone had an original idea that was very well crafted and executed, it was hard to choose a favorite!

Out of all the projects I saw, I have narrowed it down to the two that I liked best:

1.) Tumbleweed by: Kelly Cromack

Kelly created a music festival and everything that goes along with one: t-shirts, posters, wristbands, CD’s, and even a promotional video.  It was all very legitimate and professional, it would definitely be a music festival that I would be interested in attending.


2.) Paquetes by: Erika Marquez

Erika created a care package type box that contained items particular to the town of Talpa de Allende in Jalisco, Mexico.  The box was designed with very bright colorful flowers that reminded me of Mexico and inside it contained things such as a roll of guayaba and a booklet teaching your how to make some traditional meals at home.  I thought it was such a cute idea and it definitely reminded me of home and my Mexican heritage.


Linear Exploration: Line 4D

3 Feb. 2015

100 Solutions

20 Jan. 2015

Object: Small wooden elephant.






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