Mapping Project: Artifact Map
This is my artifact map which directs the viewer to get from any of the housing on campus to the RCC swimming pool. We were asked to integrate a network, points, zones, and chloropleths into our map. We learned that a chloropleth is a map where areas are shaded according to amounts in data that is included in the map.
The network on my map consists of the paths I drew from each residence hall to the RCC. My network is very detailed because it shows every turn you must take. In the rough draft below, the gradient is not integrated into the path, but in the final version, the chloropleth shows how many minutes away you are from the RCC as the red turns into yellow.
The points in my map are major landmarks along the way, such as surrounding buildings, the seal, and Sorin Oak.
The zones in my map are delineated by color. All of the residence halls are colored according to their distance from the RCC. Surrounding building and roads are grey since they are only used as markers.

The process of making this map included many changes. As shown above, my map initially included a 2-D version of the interior of the RCC. With critiques and more brainstorming, I created a much more successful 3-D version of the RCC to show the end of the route. I was also able to refine the color pallete and include the cloropleth.
My main goal with this map was to encourage viewers to see how easy and quick it is to get to the pool. I also included the pool hours to make the map an easy reference and an encouragement to people interested in the pool.