TLTR Meeting Agenda, Wednesday, January 19, 2022

  1. Announcements and Welcomes
  2. 2021 reflections and a call to action 
    1. Stories from the trenches – How has the pandemic and resulting digital work environment impacted my professional and personal identity and work in the last two years? 
    2. Digital Skill Inventories across campus – should TLTR help establish and develop? 
  3. Breakout Rooms
  4. Mural 
  5. Next Steps

TLTR Agenda for Wednesday, October 20 at 1 pm

The TLTR will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 1 pm in our regular Zoom meeting location.  See your calendar invite for the link or contact Rebecca Davis.


  • Announcements
    • Spring 2021 Courses loaded & default navigation
    • Zoom cloud storage purge of Spring 2021 recordings completed; recordings available in Panopto
  • Review of Themes from Feedback Document & Breakouts at last meeting
  • Intro to Digital/Data Skills/Literacy (Across the Curriculum/within a particular curriculum)
    • Overview
    • Breakout discussions
    • Debrief

TLTR Agenda for September 22, 2021 at 1 pm

The TLTR will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 1 pm in our regular Zoom meeting location.  See your calendar invite for the link or contact Rebecca Davis.


TLTR Agenda for Tuesday, March 23 at 2 pm

February meeting was cancelled due to snow.

March Agenda

  1. Multifactor Authentication (Angela Svoboda)
  2. Communication of Critical Technology Outages (Communications and Support Subcommittee)
  3.  OIT Fall 2021 Planning (Discussion to gather needs)
    • Classroom technology to support Zoom in the classroom (hybrid model 1)
    • Informal learning space needs for students
    • Outdoor learning spaces
    • Ad hoc large classroom space needs
    • Professional development for faculty
    • Student Readiness Survey for Online and Hybrid

TLTR Agenda for Wednesday, November 18 at 1 pm

  1. Greetings
  2. Announcements
    1. TLTR Pilot Applications due 11/20/20
    2. December meeting for TLTR Asynchronous
  3. Casey Gibbs named Interim Library Director & Library Updates
  4. Zoom to Panopto Integration and Proposals for Managing Storage of Zoom Cloud Recordings
  5. Results from Priority Gathering and Feedback on Needs for Spring Semester
  6. Proposed Subcommittees
    1. Communication and Support
    2. Anti-burnout
    3. Digital Equity
  7. Summary and Instructions for December Meeting

TLTR Agenda for Wednesday, October 21 at 1 pm

  1. Intros and Hellos
  2. Announcements 
    1. Fall 2020 TLTR Pilot CFP: Teaching Online & Socially Distanced
  3. Summarize Themes from Fall 2020 TLTR Information Gathering for Priorities Google Doc (only accessible by TLTR members; complete by Monday, October 19
  4. Breakouts to discuss Faculty Support for Teaching during the Pandemic: Prioritizing Actions
    1. what can we do now (in a week)
    2. what can we in a month
    3. what can we do next semester
  5. Report back
  6. Library update (Dave Waldron)

TLTR Agenda, Wednesday, February 12, 1 pm, Premont 110

  1. Summer 2020 Online Coordination Workgroup
    1. Communication Plan (Kyndal Soto)
    2. Charge
    3. Update
    4. Review and Feedback on FAQ (see draft document in our shared drive)
    5. OLC Scorecard for Online Student Support
  2. Draft Learning Spaces Working Group Call for Participants (see draft document in our shared drive)
    1. feedback needed before 2/19/20 then please recruit
  3. Announcements
    1. Teaching Online Faculty Learning Community
    2. Innovation Fellowship deadline extended to Monday, February 17
      1. CFP and Guidelines
      2. Application process shortened to reduce barriers for faculty
    3. New Topper Technology Survey launched 2/3/20: Preview it here
    4. TLTR Pilots subcommittee meeting 2/12/20; expect CFP soon after

TLTR Agenda, Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 2 – 3:15 pm, Premont 110

The next meeting of the TLTR will take place in Premont 110, which is entered through Premont 102. Here is the agenda:



  1. Faculty Gathering, Tuesday, April 30, 4-6 pm, Mabee Ballrooms,
  2. AccessU, Wednesday, May 15 to Friday, May 17, 2019, St. Edwards University, FREE FACULTY PASSES AVAILABLE. Contact Brenda Adrian by Friday, April 26
  3. Save the date: 2019 Innovation Institute will be held May 20-29, 2019. Workshops will be open to all faculty and are listed here:

TLTR Pilots

Subcommittee will meet Friday to review.

2019-2020 TLTR Members

Please confirm membership for 2019-2020.



Online Learning Policies

TLTR members should report input from colleagues around the following topics:

  • Do we need discussion or guidelines around courses that are designed with someone else teaching it, e.g., ownership of material and intellectual property, course maintenance, faculty compensation, instructional design services?

Digital Skills

The New Foundational Skills of the Digital Economy:  Developing the Professionals of the Future, Report from Burning Glass.

TLTR Agenda, Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 2 – 3:15 pm, Premont 110

The next meeting of the TLTR will take place in Premont 110, which is entered through Premont 102.  Here is the agenda:



  1. Canvas faculty meet up, Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 12:30pm – 2pm, Holy Cross Hall Room 101, Lunch Provided. RSVP:
  2. Integrated Case Management (advising technology) — Demo and Discussion. March 26 and 27, 12 – 1 pm, Jones Auditorium
  3. AccessU, Wednesday, May 15 to Friday, May 17, 2019, St. Edwards University, FREE FACULTY PASSES AVAILABLE.  Contact Brenda Adrian.
  4. Save the date: 2019 Innovation Institute will be held May 20-31, 2019. Workshops will be open to all faculty.

Upcoming Deadlines

  1. TLTR pilots:
    1. Pre-proposals due 3/26/19 (just need a paragraph)
    2. Final proposals due 4/9/19
  2. Innovation Fellowships:
    1. Proposals due 4/9/19


Preparation for Webex decommissioning in October 2019.

Requests for Input

Proposed classroom renovation project (Laura Lucas)

Innovation Fellowship CFP includes the following call:

  • Online General Education Course Offerings: Creating flexible options to help students complete their degrees in a timely manner by offering general education online, especially in the summer.

For the April TLTR meeting, please seek input from colleagues around the following topics.

  • Do we need discussion or guidelines around courses that are designed with someone else teaching it, e.g., ownership of material and intellectual property, course maintenance, faculty compensation, instructional design services?


Reducing barriers for faculty

  • Top 10 help desk tickets for faculty
  • Faculty Communications in Workplace (Guest: Mischelle Diaz, Senior Director of Communication)
  • Faculty survey results: supports and barriers

Future  Discussions

The New Foundational Skills of the Digital Economy:  Developing the Professionals of the Future, Report from Burning Glass.