Misdemeanor Crime System

Misdemeanor Crime System:


This week, we explored the wicked problem, Crime, in Austin. I created this visual representation to help make sense of the system we are exploring. In the photo, I made a flow chart of what exactly happens when you commit a small crime (misdemeanor). First the crime is committed, you get arrested, then your case gets reviewed by a district attorney. Once it has been reviewed you either get dismissed or have an arraignment, in which you will plea guilty or not. If at any time you plea guilty in the process of this system you get sentenced. From the arraignment, if you plea not guilty, you then go to the criminal all purpose part and plea guilty or not again. If you plea not guilty again you move to the motions and hearings to get dismissed, plea guilty, or have a trial. The trial is for the judge to decide if you are guilty are not. If the same misdemeanor is committed three times it’s a felony and you will get jail time (sentenced).