Lexi Hensley's Blog

Just another St. Edwards University Sites site

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Harmony Reflection 3

This project was a challenge for me due to my spatial limitations. I’m not very good at drawing (or cutting) objects to scale and certain shapes, so it took me a really long time to cut out shapes that were like the ones I made in photoshop. Both of my collages I made digitally first and then glued other things onto. the one on the left was supposed to be a triforce shape (Legend of Zelda nerd moment) with earth tones and blue, but because I couldn’t cut out a triangle that matched the other two I just glued other triangles on top of it to hide it some. I also messed around with the gradient tool to make the brick and window triangles fade, so that it would make the rust and greenery stand out more, but that isn’t really evident since I changed directions due to my lack of shape-cutting ability. The second collage I played around with creating a background and overlaying another image of the same thing to bring out the bird. These are two images taken at the same time, but one was with flash and the other is overexposed, so they look like they were taken at completely different times. I liked that juxtaposition and I think by combining both images it creates a better whole than both individually. Overall, I think these look ok from far away, but when you look up close there are a lot of mistakes I need to work on.

My First Post!

Hello! I attended the Wednesday session to set up my blog, so now I have a blog.

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