1. We went through the project brainstorming as a group and this is what we came up with. I also have my interview posted on the previous blog post.
  2. So far, we don’t have a whole lot of visual elements, but we’ve done some really good brainstorming for how we are going to create the visual elements and what we are going to include. We came up with new ideas about how to make Prop 1 more effective, how to increase drive to get more alternative transportation options, and the pros and cons of certain types of alternative transportation and how they are affected at different times of the year, like during ACL, RTX, SxSW, and summer vs school year. As we dive further in depth, we’re finding new ideas and new ways that we could change how people travel in Austin, and not all of those ideas require many changes from Prop 1 or the infrastructure we currently have. By further utilizing resources we currently have, it creates a larger group of people wanting the changes to be made, and people will be more willing to put in time and money to get those goals accomplished than by trying to come up with new ideas where people are unsure of the outcome.