Lexi Hensley's Blog

Just another St. Edwards University Sites site

Month: October 2016

Photo Set- How A Latte Is Made

I made a story about the steps involved in making a latte. The first photo is of the whole beans, then the ground beans in a portafilter, which is a device you insert into an espresso machine after you tamp the grounds. Then there’s a picture of a shot of espresso I pulled. It has a light crema, meaning that the pressure wasn’t very strong in the pull, but as you can tell from the roast of the beans (they’re really dark), the espresso will still be strong. The next picture is of the steamed milk. The large bubbles on top mean that the foam is dry and stiff, which generally means it’s over-steamed slightly, but you just have to swirl the milk some in order to get a more creamy consistency, if that’s what you desire. Many people actually prefer a stiffer foam. The last picture is the finished latte. There is a good balance between milk, foam, and espresso. This set of photos might seem rather useless, but it gives a good visual of the knowledge for espresso and how each component effects the others. There are a lot of factors to making a latte, and while it generally seems like a commodity, it’s actually rather amazing to see all the individual pieces separately and how much work goes into making one.

Thematic Photos- Symmetry





flower-symmetry butterfly-symmetry

I took photos of things in nature generally associated with symmetry: faces, flowers, butterflies, and leaves. Then I made them truly symmetrical and placed them side by side to show how sometimes making images symmetrical can make them look better, and sometimes it makes them look worse. I think I did a pretty good job of editing the photos, but now that I’m critiquing them, I notice some are in the wrong order (this is killing me now, actually, but I don’t have time to fix it) and the lighting discrepancies/ backgrounds change the way the images could be viewed. Other than that, I think the photos of the butterfly and the flower are really pretty, because of the contrast and the clarity of the images. I would definitely allow myself more time to edit the photos if I were to do this again in the future, because I took too much time adjusting the colors and being a perfectionist.

Dr. Kennedy

One of the main points I think Dr. Kennedy was trying to make during his presentation was that images can be warped by a title. You can, with 100% certainty, claim that a photograph means something, but if you are given one clue, or a different perspective about the image, your whole view of that image could change in an instant. Considering photographs are so convincing, and are often used as evidence that certain topics are true or false, this is a huge wicked problem because your reality and beliefs/perceptions could be altered without a second thought.

Seeing the way he changes images to make ordinary things transform into art was really amazing. Knowing that something so average could trigger such a deep response just by warping the colors or changing how the object appears is something that always intrigues me, as a photographer. There are certain questions that I have, though, about Dr. Kennedy’s photography. In his class, we learned about the moral limitations of photographers, or at least the code of ethics journalistic photographers generally have to follow. I’m curious if Dr. Kennedy has any photos that he regrets taking, or photos that could have been taken that he chose not to take, and how those photos (or potential photos) affected his career or views on photography. As a photographer, I have a difficult time judging when and if I can take photos, and I regret taking some, and I regret not taking some, so I would like to see his photos that he feels similarly about, and how they’ve changed his views about photography.

Visual Map


This week, we explored the background of our problem in Austin. I created this visual representation to help make sense of the system we are exploring. I broke down transportation into two parts: the people involved and the parts or things in the system. In many ways, the two intertwine in the such as a driver (obviously a person) and a car (which would be part of the system, but when driven by a person and car interact). There are also representatives that make decisions as to how the infrastructure should be remodeled or how to solve the issues our infrastructure has. these people are a huge part of the transportation system because they make the choices our city is dependent upon. Without their support, the infrastructure would be in shambles and it would probably lead to anarchy. Despite being a generalization of the transportation system, the map appears very intertwined and messy, and that’s due to the fact that the system /is/ very complex and messy. There are many people trying to accomplish many goals, similar and different, which creates a web that indirectly affects everyone around them.

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