Reflection 1: Photography & Creativity

Everyone has their individual sources of inspiration. For many people these inspirations come from their life experiences, such as Amy Tan. Life experiences  impacts the character of the person which then affects their personality. I believe that personality and creativity can be intertwined. Artists of any kind express their personality through their creativity with their work. Yet, this is not the only way in which life experiences can be used as inspirations. Another way is by artists using their work as a form of expressing their opinions and standing up against injustices or informing the public about certain issues. Many artists dedicate their lives and their work to become advocates for certain causes. Specifically for photographers, their “intentions are to inform others” (Flusser 46). Using your creativity as a form of communication is not limited to only photographers, but rather anyone open to using their creativity to make a change in the world. For me, Amy Tan and Vilem Flusser have made me think deeper about my photography and the direct sources of my inspirations, helping me realize the true meanings behind my work.

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