Blog Post 5: Compelling Websites

1. I was absent for the day that these students presented. A classmate gave me a description of what the students talked about, how they discussed their majors, the kinds of knowledge they’ve earned through their college experience thus far, the work they’ve created and the paths they hope to follow along in their fields. However, I can’t give any effective commentary on their performance or message because I wasn’t actually there.

2. Many of the artists whose professional websites I’m interested in, I’ve found through my following them on Instagram. Similarly to the Instagram layout, their websites are a simple compilation of their works in an easily visible, readable, non-distracting fashion. Most of these sites have very plain or just white backgrounds, easily navigable tabs and pages, self-explanatory functions and clearly display their work in a truthful representation.

This first page is one of my favorite contemporary sculptors that I know of, Tina Yu. Her page is slightly interactive in the way that you have to slide and scroll through largely displayed images to get to the next ones. She groups her works into series and mini series so that the images correlate with each other. She also chooses to edit the backdrop of the works so that they have a common theme that relates or demonstrates the concept of the series.

Again, the simplicity and readability of this site, by Mandy Tsung, is what makes it so appealing to my eye. Instead of being focused on the graphics or shock factor of a busy website, she simply utilizes the portfolio aspect of it, in the fact that she is simply putting her work on display for viewing and critique, possibly business relations.


Jeremy Geddes’ website is admittedly a little different than the rest, in the way that its home page is more exciting and less simplistic. The site opens up to a page bleeding to the edges with his most recent or favorite piece. Like in many of his works, the subject is immediately emphasized by its dark, abysmal background. Once you click on the page links, however, we are returned to a very straight forwards, simple, “here is my art” type portfolio display, with easily accessible points and information.


For this final artist, Cinta Vidal, my attraction to the site is similar to the rest; it’s not overwhelming, it gives a clear, uncomplicated look at the artist’s works and even the titles, details. Each piece can be closely examined through a maximizing feature by simply clicking on the thumbnail photo. The pages are easily accessible and self-explanatory in naming, any kind of business related information is easily found and utilized.

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