Blog Post 4: Self Critique

What was the goal of the assignment? Or what was the question posed by this assignment?

The purpose of the assignment in which I had to create this pot was to learn and and execute our knowledge in the proper techniques of hand building, as well as learning how to utilizes its stages in order to build a piece that is structurally sound. We then had to test out all of the known surface decorating techniques and add them in an aesthetic manner.

How did you go about reaching this goal or answering this question?

I tried my hardest to perfectly practice all of the methods that we were taught and would restart when things weren’t progressing the way they were intended to. I had to challenge a lot of my expectations since I was trying something new but eventually I think I was careful and patient enough to do everything mostly correctly.

What is the strongest aspect of this work?

I get frustrated when I have to make any kind of art work that isn’t my preferred medium so I tried to take advantage of the disposition and still make something that would essentially make me proud, so I worked really hard on the surface decor.

What is the weakest aspect?

When we initially started, I thought it was just a test pot to give us the idea of how to work with clay, instead of an actual project, so I wasn’t too worried about the structure in the beginning, which made the bottom fire a little differently than the rest.

How can the project be strengthened conceptually?

I didn’t honestly give it a concept, I just had an idea that I wanted it to be decorated in a floral manner but then I decided to add a bit of humor with the ears.

How can the project be strengthened technically?

I want to add a few more glazes to separate parts of it so it at least seems as though I planned it and had an idea going into the project.

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