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Hacking Doctor Who: When People Become Slaves to Social Media

• April 16, 2013

I’m not sure how many of you are familiar with the 50 year old BBC show Doctor Who, but I have watched every single episode and special since it’s revival in 2005. The Doctor himself has been played by a slew of different actors and has always had a (usually female) companion by his side. […]

“Catfished”: Learning to Communicate in a Social Media Age

• April 14, 2013

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how our means of communicating with one another are changing drastically. And what sort of consequences come from this transitionary phase of communication? What immediately comes to mind is the movie Catfish, and the subsequent MTV reality show of the same name. For those of you not familiar with […]

The Bling Ring: Social Media Spawns Criminal Enterprise

• April 1, 2013

Last week I was subjected to the nearly two and a half hour torture that was the movie Spring Breakers. But even though the movie was an excruciating ordeal, I did love seeing the previews. One of the previews that caught my eye was for a movie coming out this year called The Bling Ring, […]

Celebrity Fan Culture (and Obsession) in Social Media

• March 4, 2013

A reoccurring theme that I have noticed in many of my classmates’ presentations, posts, and papers is celebrity fan culture and how fan and celebrity “relationships” are heightened through the use of social media. Before the age of social media, fans interacted with their favorite celebs via one-way media such as magazines, television, or personal […]

The Pressure to Socialize Online

• February 18, 2013

  Lately, social media and its benefits and costs have been on my mind. This most likely has something to do with the fact that I am a communication major and right now, social media is THE big thing in the realm of communication. However, it seems more at the forefront of my mind than […]

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